IF YOU HAVE ALREADY READ THE SUMMARY GO TO THE DISCUSSION ON THE 4TH PARAGRAPH:  One of the main purposes of my new book is to show that God loves us and is in control – just as He has been in control throughout history -evidenced in both the Old and New Testaments and in rise and fall of nations.   He is real and alive today seeking a personal relationship with us. He has a time table and He is in total control of it: We can see His foot prints throughout history in Nineveh and the Solar Eclipse there, through the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the digs in Jerusalem and elsewhere). Because we are nearing the end time, Time appears to be speeding up and feels compressed from our viewpoint. We see things as being exaggerated or illogical – with many instances of extreme weather, 100-year-record earthquakes, fire storms, wind storms, hail storms, solar flares and abnormal behavior of every kind and scope. We know that God has ordained the End Times, but He has also ordained the means to the end. Now the question is what are you going to do?

What motivated me to write this book was heart knowledge that God gave me while sharing the Gospel at our mission at White Rock Lake in Dallas – the Fig Tree parable given by Jesus concerning the Last Generation- has a key to unlock the mystery. That key opened up my understanding of the Cosmic Crossroad which has 4 arms: each arm is based on the Bible- one relates to the Fig Tree lessons by Jesus and so I therefore go into great detail discussing both the Old and New Testament message related to the “Fig Tree” including the budding, and the ripening of the fruit on the Fig tree. The next “arm” is the Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars – with a discussion on the Bethlehem Star and its parallel to the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the promise in Genesis 3:15. The 3rd arm incorporates the Testimonies of Current events & history, Prophets and the Apostles, the City of Jerusalem and the Creation. For instance the evidence of an ordered and fine tuned creation is evidence of God’s divine plan and His ability to communicate to us through His creation. The 4th arm includes the 50-year Jubilee, the Prophetic generations, and important the 40, 70, 100, 400, 500, &1000 generational periods. All of these point to a soon to come intersection and convergence of “wheels of time” and events on God’s eternal time-line.

The main “prophetic-like” statement that I made in the book was to say that soon after the Solar Eclipse here in America there would be “many storms”.  I felt that God led me to include this and so in faith I put this in the book.  Go to the official COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN . COM  website to read an excerpt of the book and for more information.  Jeremiah states, “Behold the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.  The fierce anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intentions of his mind. In the later days you will understand this.” (Jer. 30:24-25)

Discussion:  If you have any questions post them to the form provided and I will answer them.  Questions:   1)  You mention that the Jew looks for Signs whereas the Gentile looks for knowledge.  Then you stated that Stars are a sign to the Jew, yet the Bethlehem star was seen only to Gentile kings?   ANSWER:   Actually the Bethlehem Star was seen by everyone, but only recognized by the Magi who had been trained by Daniel in the 70 and more years that he resided in Babylon (Daniel 1:20, 2:2, 4:7 and 5:7) and in Persia.  Probably the Sign was that of the Constellation Virgo and Leo with something spectacular that happened within the “womb” of Virgo.  Daniel was a Jew and he knew the prophecy of Isaiah (49:5-7) concerning the “Light to the Gentiles”.  He probably taught the Magi or stargazers that the “Gateway” or “Door” to the mystery of when the Messiah would come depended on the these constellations.  These are the same stars that the Egyptians used to design the Sphinx which has the body of the lion and head of the “virgin.”  They represent the beginning and the end of the “divine” stellar “clock” or history in the constellations that God probably taught Adam and Eve.

Question 2)  What do think will happen due to Sept. 23?  First I want to dispel the confusion created by the “conspiracy” people.  No, there is no planet “X” and the world is NOT going to End or be destroyed by meteor.  My thought and it is only an educated heart felt thought is that it opens up a new paradigm or series of events which are “new beginnings”.  Note this is NOT date setting since I am not setting an actual date!  Jesus scolded the Pharisees for not being aware of Signs of his Time (That Jesus is and was the Promised Messiah)  just as they were blind to the meaning of the Bethlehem Star.

Question 3)  Why the current event section of your book?

I really should have made this section longer and with categories.  Current events point to the end time in many ways:  1) It is obvious that there is an increase in animosity towards Israel and Christianity throughout the world and here in America.  2)  False religions and Christs:  we see this increasing in various parts of the world including Russia & the Caribbean where “prophets and false Christs” are proclaiming to be messengers from God.  It is happening in a different form here in America with many churches turning towards homosexuality & false theology such as “Replacement Theology”.   3)  America is the world’s Tech giant as we birth the powers that control the internet & social media- allowing for quick communications and loss of face to face interaction.  This faceless force is affecting a new generation of “lost souls” who see no need for relationship with God- for they have formulated their own idols and gods that cater to them.  4)  The increase in irrational behavior and Terrorism is another sign of the EndTime!  Children are being trained to kill and a whole generation is forced into a slavery of death in many Arab countries and in many Islamic provinces all over the world.  Sharia law is also being practiced throughout the world.  We also see the rise of rogue nations that carry massive nuclear weapons and whose leaders are bent on the destruction of Israel and the United States.  5)  There is an increased expansion of both China and Russia in every area of global control including the aspect of hacking and theft of secrets.  6) Increase in anarchy throughout the world including here in America.  Antifa is a prime example- especially since our media tends to glorify them while attacking any counter movement.   7)  The Apostasy of the church and the apathy in the American church.  As stated in my book there are many leaders in the church who are trying to promote perversion and unnatural laws that go against God’s Word.  The Sign of the Solar Eclipse addresses this very issue.  America  and the church needs to repent or we will come under God’s Judgment soon.

Question 4.  What do you mean by the Messiahnic age?  Lamb & Lion ministries seems to be confirming one of my points in the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN. David Reagan states,” Did you know that more Jews have come to Jesus since 1967 than in the 2,000 years prior to that time? Do you know why?”
In my book I repeat what a 14th century rabbi states, that the 10th Jubilee which is the 1967 to 2017 Jubilee would be the Messiahnic Jubilee- translated means the time of Jewish conversion.

God tells us to be “alert and of sound mind so that we can pray”.  He also tells us that “it is not by power nor by might, but my Spirit, saith the LORD.”  So seek God’s Spirit in prayer by reading His Word, and then be obedient & of sound mind.

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

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