Sodom & Gomorrah: Burning Man and Prophecy.

There is an orgy of Biblical proportions going on right now in this country.  It is called Burning Man and it in a very isolated corner of the Black Rock Desert.   You will find nudists (lots of them), palm readers, neopagans, “ecosexuals,” witches, sorcerers, shamans, New Age gurus, “goddesses”, Satanists, “polyamorists” and just about every type of fetishist you can possibly imagine worshipping almost every God imaginable.  This year unlike any other year they had a human sacrifice.

The reason why the festival is called “Burning Man” is because of the gigantic effigy that is burned toward the end of the eight-day celebration. Nobody is physically harmed during the burning of this enormous “wicker man,” but it does parallel the human sacrifices that the Druids did in ancient times.

Although the organizers of Burning Man strongly deny that it is an overtly occult festival, it is undeniable that thousands upon thousands of occultists from all over the planet are drawn to this celebration each year.  And there are many others that go to Burning Man just for the sex, drugs and techno music. During these eight days, people openly and freely use illegal drugs, and the authorities don’t seem to mind.  Public nudity and all forms of debauchery are common place. The biggest draw of all is the casual sex rampant at Burning Man. This year a man committed suicide by jumping into the “burning man” fire.   It would not be surprising if this was a witch inspired suicide aimed at conjuring up some spell against Trump.

My thought it that nothing good is going to come of this.  God is patient and merciful, but there comes a point where He will erase outright evil as He did in Sodom and Gomorrah.  So much evil is coming out of neighboring California that I am not hesitant to predict that God will soon judge that state.  He was merciful in giving them rain after a long drought, but in return California has only intensified their defiance against Him.  This is all part of the Cosmic Countdown that I discuss in my new book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown that you can order on Amazon for less than $4.  What happened at Burning Man is just  another Sign that stands out this year to point everyone to the Countdown.

The Title “Burning Man” is actually a self fulfilling title to all who trust in themselves for answers.  These people are just a stark representation of what rebellion  looks like in its raw nature.  When judgment came to Sodom and Gomorrah all who lived there were burning in temporal and eternal sulfur.  This  will be the home of all those who live today to glorify that kind of behavior.

Not surprising that a day after the closing of “Burning Man,” God lights up the sun with the a pair of extremely are solar flares!  The largest of the two is the biggest since 2006.  These flares are measured on a scale from one to nine in C, M and X classes, with X being the most powerful. Today, Wednesday, two solar flares erupted from sunspot region 2673: an X9.3 flare followed by a an X2.2 flare. The last such powerful X-class flare was 9.0 on Dec. 5, 2006.

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