Are These the Days of Elijah?

The Prophet Malachi promised that Elijah the prophet would come right before the “great and awesome day the LORD.”  The Jewish people do not believe that he has come, whereas we as Christians know that Jesus proclaimed that John the Baptist was Elijah.  Today we are the “Elijahs”, because we are supposed to be preparing the “Way of the Lord” in the “wilderness” for His Second Coming.

Right now we are seeing very dark forces rising up.  We have seen ISIS, North Korea, Abu Sayyaf, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Al Sahbaab, Hamas, and dozens of others intent on killing Christians, Jews, and anyone they do not like.

The powers of darkness are being manifested in social behavior and the glamorization of evil, Satan, slavery, pornography, and just about everything that goes against the Spirit and Truth.  The Burning Man festival is a good example.   This “alternate world” is an ultimate freak-out with drugs, sex, sorcery, witchcraft, worship of the dead, and now even a human sacrifice.  Check out the post on the “Burning Man”.   We are witnessing Defiance and “demi-gods” taking front stage in America with the media glamorizing their every action and declaration.  God is now going to act.

In the time of Elijah, Jezebel introduced Baal worship which was a combination of nature worship, Idol worship, child sacrifice, self mutilation, and worship of Asherah.   This is an amazing parallel to what we see today, if you consider abortion as child sacrifice and piercing as mutilation.  Temple prostitution is associated with drugs, slavery, child abuse, and the worship of Asherah.

Do you remember how Elijah was hunted down by Ahab?  Finally Elijah agreed to meet King Ahab’s 850 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel for the showdown of the Ages.  It had not rained in Israel ever since God told Elijah that He would not bring rain…. and of course Ahab blamed Elijah.  He had all the people show up to watch the battle.  Elijah gave the Baal prophets as much time as they needed, even time to cut themselves and wail to their god.  Elijah then had the men dig a trench and fill it with water.  In this trench he drenched the wood for the altar that was built and then called out to God.  God answered and lit the altar up and the  sacrifice was  fulfilled.  The people then killed all the prophets of Baal.  This was the ultimate supernatural battle fought on a mountain top in front of all the kings men and for all the people to witness.   Are we willing to take a stand for God and “destroy” the demi-gods and idols in our lives?  Why are people wasting hours watching sports, idolizing sports and sport heroes, talking sports, and promoting sports?  Why are we setting a bad example for kids?  These so called heroes are often abusers of women, of the temple of the Holy Spirit which is their body, and glamorizers of violence.

Today on this same Mount Carmel there is another “Altar” – one that represents all the pagan religions of the world.  It is lit up at night like a great pyramid of paganism and Baal worship for all the world to see. Israel allows it!  Below is a picture of this eleven level pyramid of altars to the world’s most prominent religions including ancient ones to Saturn, which is just another name for Satan.  This is a testimony of the fallen nature of culture today including that of Israel and God’s chosen people.  Again “Testimonies” are an integral part of my new book:  COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

The Cover of my New Book:




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