The Perversion of the LAW, Noah’s time, and the Sign of Jonah.

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation was written to Wake up America.  God inspired me to write this to wake you up. This is written to shake up the reticent, the comfortable, the confident, and the bright.  Yes, there is a countdown and you are a part of it.  That is why time and events seem compressed and sped up and that is why there is so much uncertainty, uneasiness, fear, and anxiety. We need to get our lives together and seek God.

This is what I want to impress on you in this  discourse.  The LORD is not coming back the way he came the first time.  He is returning in order to gather His church and to judge the earth and the people on the earth.  This plan was set centuries ago.  His Plan was expressed in Genesis and partially revealed in Genesis 3:15.  Whether you believe it or not, this revelation occurred in the Garden of Eden when the LORD addressed the serpent in front of Adam and Eve.  The LORD told the serpent “he will strike the heal of the seed of the woman, but that the seed would crush his head.”  About 4000 years later Jesus would be born and the church would be created.  John an Apostle of Christ would write about the “Child” in the Woman of Revelation 12.  In this “Wheel of Time” two messages are conveyed about the same characters.  Satan will “strike” and injure the “Promised” seed, but in turn the child  will win the war and Satan will be defeated.  The first promises a Messiah and the second promises a child which will grow and is to be raptured, despite the serpent’s pursuit.  Since Jesus Christ is in us and we are in Jesus Christ, the child is the church.  Jesus himself has not and will not be raptured, nor was He in danger of being devoured by Satan.

The Great Sign as described by John is the Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12.  This sign is coming together in the next few weeks like it has never before.  This is just one of 4 reasons why I wrote the book: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.  The Fig Tree discourse shared by Jesus Christ concerning what he called the “Last Generation” or what can be designated as the  “Prophetic Generation” is the main reason why I set my pen upon paper to get the message out.  The other two reason related to all the incredible Testimonies by the Apostles, the Prophets, and many others,  and the Convergence of the Generations- the 70, 50, 100, and 40 generational periods described in the Bible.  These 4 reasons make up the 4 legs or arms of the Crossroad that will soon intersect our timeline.

In the time of Jesus there were a group of men in white robes called the Pharisees.  They took the LAW that God gave the people and used it to manipulate and control the Jewish nation.  They perverted the message that God gave from His heart of Mercy.  You will see how they clearly did this in my book. Likewise we have a group of people in “white robes” who have perverted the “Laws” today.  These people are telling us that it is normal to pervert our sexual orientation, the institution of marriage, and a child’s sex.  They are telling us to ignore the natural LAWS of creation in other fundamental ways including the laws of Thermodynamics.  Yes, these people are trying to brainwash everyone into believing that everything came from nothing!  They are trying to drive God out of the lives of children and replace it with the gods of evolution, re-incarnation, self actualization, and any other  form of worthless mind numbing and mind fogging pursuit.  That is why Jesus said, “To an evil generation I will give only one sign and that is the sign of Jonah.”

The Sign of Jonah has been proven by secular observers to be a Solar Eclipse that happened a short time before Jonah preached the warning of God’s Wrath if they did not repent.  Guess what “They Repented” and their nation was temporarily spared.  Take notice that the Sun turned to darkness when Jesus was crucified.  In today’s world  God has placed pastors in every city in this nation calling for repentance, yet few have heeded the warnings.  God gave Nineveh 40 days to repent and He gave us 40 days starting with the Solar Eclipse on August 21.  We did not repent.

Again I suggest you read my previous message as it gives more detail on what I am about to share.  You will see that we are being given the same signs and warnings.  The world, however, is looking to scientific predictions, calculations and experts to answer problems.  They are not looking at signs.  Jesus  said that a future generation would  come under the sign of “Noah”.  This sign of “Noah’s day” also relates to our society and therefore forms another “Wheel of Time” that is intersecting God’s prophetic time-line.  Like in Noah’s day we marrying and giving to marriage.  We have a “family” that is building an “Ark” just as Noah’s family built an ark on dry land.  The people scoffed and laughed at Noah and his family.  Likewise people today scoff and laugh at the “family of God” that is ministering the Gospel of Truth to the world.  This Gospel puts Jesus Christ at the center and accepts the Word as the Truth, the inerrant Truth.  He is the Ark that Saves. He the Creator of the Universe – not the Big Bang.  He is the creator of all life-form, not evolution.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and as he Himself says, “and no one comes to the Father except by me”.   There is no other way!  He is the only God.

Here is an outline of the next video:

Everyone needs to take a spiritual inventory and an eternal perspective before it is too late!  If you cannot understand, nor concentrate on the Bible it is useless as revelation to you.  Every Word in the Bible is inspired!  It feeds the human soul, just as Jesus said, “My bread is every word that procedeth out of the mouth of God!”  Yes, the Word or Bible is more than just words, it is the living Word that can divide and discern soul and spirit, mind and falsehood, and even natural and supernatural.  Even the words of Shakespeare are meant to tickle the mind and are for entertainment: the Word of God is not!  Understand that there is a real war going on in the supernatural as stated in the inspired  word Paul shared with the Ephesians.  “ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

 If you devote time with the Creator of the Universe, he will reply to your quest and question.  He will open your own mind and heart up, and remove the fog of fear and pride, giving you knowledge of both the universe and the supernatural.  He will reveal Truth to you and give you purpose and an identity that is eternal!  He will give you the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things that you cannot see!  Yes, that is what He calls Faith, and it is a free Gift along with Eternal Life.

 The purpose of the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, is to draw many people  to the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, Jesus Christ.  There are some speed bumps and blind alleys in life, but God uses them to build us up so that we can be a better witness. He wants to develop Godliness in us through perseverance and patience.  There are some errors in this first edition of the book.  A new edition will be out in 4 weeks (since the Publisher acknowledged that they made some big mistakes), but do not worry- the message is the same and it has not been affected by error.  I would still get the first edition since time is a big factor.

If you watch Part I of my recent YouTube video you will see one of my more difficult paintings in the background; one that required a very difficult framing for the canvas, and a whole new technique for laying down paint which required layers of acrylic masking & molding, oil paint for the face, digitized printing on a special plastic for the Word emanating from heaven’s door, spray painting, and gold painting for  the DNA (the miracle molecule for life) in the LORD’s right hand and the Atom in the LORD’s left hand.  I tried to express the Glory and Power of the presence of the LORD.  This painting is illustrated under the recent painting post.

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