My favorite verse to summarize the importance of this book is: “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray.”  This simple yet powerful verse emphasizes the fact that this book alerts the public to the need to reconnect with the God of their childhood and to have faith in Him, Jesus Christ.  Most of all we need to pray as we study the Word of God  so that He can teach us and guide us through tough times that are fast approaching.  We are NOT called to defend ourselves with weapons of destruction, but with weapons of the Spirit, or Prayer & The Word of God.  We are not going to help anyone by hiding out in an underground bunker, nor a mountain cave.  We are to be a Light on a Hill for everyone to see and know.   The Answer and Truth are from God and God alone.
If you were God and wanted to communicate a warning to all mankind, what would you do? Would you communicate a written warning first? If mankind did not heed that warning, what would you do next? If He then recreated himself as one of us and again warned us, would you listen? Having left clear directions and updated commands He departs. Then as He predicted most have fallen away, and the future generations followed in disobedience and rebellion.
The “Wheels of Time” have repeated this cycle of repentance to disobedience, righteous pursuit to the glorification of the perverse, the lifting of Worship and Relationship with the God of Love and Truth, to the lifting up of the Lie and Deceit.  What would He then do? Does He repeat His past attempts to suppress evil and preserve a righteous remnant? Or does He try to repeat Signs and Warnings to the most influential nation in the world as He did with the Babylonians, then the Persians, and again with the Romans and most recently with the nations that have upheld his ideals and spread his Gospel? In the past those attempts have worked only for a  short time and with each attempt the results have been weaker and less effective. A good example was Nineveh where God sent Jonah to preach, and in due time the evil Empire of Assyria repented.  What motivated them to repent?  Star charts show that there was a Solar Eclipse that happened right before Jonah arrived.  Jesus said to the Pharisees, that to “an evil generation he would give no sign except the sign of Jonah.” Was that the same sign that He just gave to America?  In short time Nineveh went back to its old ways and was totally obliterated by the Babylonians. 
We are the strongest nation in the world, with power over trade and currency, domination in language and communication, the world’s entertainer and driver of technology and services, and sadly the greatest producer of perverse, sordid, and anti-family film, music, games, literature, and art. We are the world’s greatest purveyor of gambling, drugs, and abortion aid and services. We drive the world’s economy, lust, greed, and a good part of its addictions. However, America has also been the world’s leader for many decades in defending and protecting victims and the defenseless, medical research and cures, charitable giving and rescue, and the builder and developer of churches, missions, and other Gospel instruments. We have also been the strongest and most consistent supporter of Israel and the persecuted Christian.  It would make sense that God will address America first.

Everyone needs to take a spiritual inventory and an eternal perspective before it is too late!  If you cannot understand, nor concentrate on the Bible it is useless as revelation to you.  Every Word in the Bible is inspired!  It feeds the human soul, just as Jesus said, “My bread is every word that procedeth out of the mouth of God!”  Yes, the Word or Bible is more than just words, it is the living Word that can divide and discern soul and spirit, mind and falsehood, and even natural and supernatural.  Even the words of Shakespeare are meant to tickle the mind and are for entertainment: the Word of God is not!  Understand that there is a real war going on in the supernatural as stated in the inspired  word Paul shared with the Ephesians.  “ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

 If you devote time with the Creator of the Universe, he will reply to your quest and question.  He will open your own mind and heart up, and remove the fog of fear and pride, giving you knowledge of both the universe and the supernatural. He will reveal Truth to you and give you purpose and an identity that is eternal! He will give you the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things that you cannot see!  Yes, that is what He calls Faith, and it is a free Gift along with Eternal Life.

The purpose of the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, is to draw as many people to the Truth in the Bible for this book reflects the Prophecies, Teachings, and Events recorded in God’s message to man.  There are some speed bumps and blind alleys in life, but God uses them to build us up so that we can be a better person and witness.  Likewise, there are some errors in this first edition of the book, but a new edition is now out.

 More than ever in my life- I believe that Christians as a group are at the Crossroad of the Promised Return of the Lord Coming in the Clouds. What legacy are you leaving behind?  Are you sharing the Gospel? Are you preparing your loved ones and others for the rapture, or are you the one that needs to truly repent and believe?  Tell your loved ones that Good News, that Jesus Christ accepts them where they are at!  The God of the Universe has a special Purpose and Plan for them! 
NOTE THAT WHEN THE INITIAL TRANSCRIPTS WERE SENT IN FOR PUBLISHING, THE BOOK WAS SABOTAGED.   You will see the first evidence of this on the very first page on the 3rd paragraph where the name of “Jesus” is mentioned first!  Right after his name there is a capital “Z” placed in the middle of “hiZmself.”
There are at least 9 other changes that were made after they received the final draft!  In one case someone changed the verse chapter related to Matthew 24 to Matthew 9.  Another one adds an entire repeated paragraph.  When reading the book, if you have difficulty understanding it, return to this website for clarification, or email me at “,” and I will answer your questions.  The theme and message of the book was NOT changed, nor was the import!  The book is meant as a warning and a “heads Up” to all who read it!  We are already seeing God’s Sign to America playing out with a record breaking “freak” hurricane that struck at the heart of the “Bible Belt” and conservative America just a week after the Solar Eclipse.  In just a matter of one day this category 1 storm turned into a category 4, then moved back and forth over the shoreline for a week of heavy rain and up 134 mph winds! Why would God allow this? America as a nation, will be judged just as was Israel.  God is showing us that ALL of America will be tested.  I believe that Texas is passing the test!  Will what is coming to California/ West Coast,  and the North East/South East be handled with the love and sacrifice that has been seen here? Will we see the next hurricane hitting Florida?  Will extreme cold hit the North this year? I  think even Texas is headed for a record cold winter.
The motion of that hurricane in a sense mimics the movement of Jupiter in the “birth womb” of the Woman of Revelation 12 making this next sign one of its kind and much more significant than the Solar Eclipse. It is also a reflection of the Genesis Prophecy of Genesis 3:15 showing the “seed” in both and the “serpent” wanting to devour it. Like in the Revelation sign the Lion of Judah waits to crush the head of the serpent- its paw sits near the serpents head.  Could the promise of Genesis 3:15 be a foreshadowing of the unfolding of God’s eternal promise to Israel and to the church. AS stated in the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN the Solar Eclipse also had a divine link between the Jewish world and the Gentile world. This linkage will be heightened when the feast days approach next month!   Here is the cover to the new book:  
“Offer the sacrifices of Righteousness to the Lord”.  God commands us to offer our actions and thoughts as sacrifices to Him.  Yes our “Right Living” is accepted by God as a sacrifice to Him!  This is our sacrifice that we can offer to Him daily – or for that matter at every minute or second of our life!  We should all offer on a daily basis the sacrifices of Praise and obedience.
God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

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