If you were God and I was the Enemy:

So if you were God Almighty the creator of everything and you wanted to interact with your marvelous creation would you not want to transform yourself into flesh so that you could sense and interact in every way possible- to smell the flowers, see the splendid array of colors in even the smallest butterfly, and talk face to face to those you designed to care for them and the earth around them?

That my friend is what the “Invisible God” did. He came to the Garden of Eden and spoke to Adam and Eve and walked the garden with them. He warned them of an enemy and told them not to eat the bad fruit, then spent most of his time sharing the beauty and wonder of the animals and plants around them. He pointed upward and told them of the “story of life” in the heavens: the stars and their constellations and the eternal message that they carried. You see God loved them as He loves us, and He loves all the creation.

However one of his mighty angels took pride in himself and sought to lead 1/3 of this fellow angels against God. Michael the Archangel opposed him and fought him throughout history- over the body of Moses and in most cases defending the Plan of Redemption formulated by God. Satan tried to undermine this plan and the incarnate God, Jesus Christ, as he fasted in the wilderness.  Satan continues to inspire his minions to try to destroy the “Christ” that God places in us so as to make  the Christian and the church ineffective!

When Jesus Christ accomplished the mission of dying for our sins He gave us the Holy Spirit (Christ in us) to convict, teach, guide, and protect us. He even told the disciples that the Holy Spirit would do more for them than he possibly could – and he does because He resides in us at all times on all places. By the way this is a good parallel to God’s foot prints in the Garden of Eden as He, God Almighty, interacted with His Creation and then provided an animal skin as a covering for the sin of Adam-  shedding the blood of a pure animal! In each Case God is Working on our behalf to increase intimacy and protection. For He Does Love Us and Cares for us!

Satan, on the other hand, has tried in every way to destroy this very special relationship by trying to redefine and distort it! Just as he did with Adam and Eve and with Jesus, he tries to cast doubt, reshape logic, distort, undermine Truth, and tempt us. The best way to do this is to fool people into thinking that Jesus Christ is not God! Likewise Satan desires to redefine and undermine the Holy Spirit and the church. But God has appointed his Truth to Win Out in the End and it will despite Satan’s best efforts in creating these falsehoods and delusions.

So imagine if you or I were Satan, what would one do to undermine God’s Plan? 1) I would try to kill all prophets and those who carried the message from the Garden and the stars. 2) I would then have tried to kill the baby before he was empowered!- which Satan did try. But God sent his angels and the Saving Truth spoken through Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and others so that for the 1st time in history an enemy nation, Persia, would actually rebuild a servile nation and its sacred Temple! Centuries later their students would search the Stars to guide the Gentile kings to the newborn KING of KINGS. 3) I would do all I could to kill the incarnate God – which Satan thought that he accomplished through deceit, pride, greed, and the manipulation of thoughts! But his plan failed and God’s plan of Redemption through the Defeat of Death won out! 4) Finally I would try to kill off His “child” – the church- and His promised people the Jews ! This has been very successful in many areas of the world! But the love of Christians including their willingness to forgive has been the best weapon to disarm Satan’s followers in the Middle East!  Once the number of Martyrs is counted, Jesus Christ will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to Judge the world.  If I were Satan I would make one final attempt to fool people by disquising myself as “the wolf in sheeps clothing”.  I would try my best to create false “loving”  Christs of every kind:
a) A “prophet christ” in Islam and which makes Jesus just a prophet who died on a stake and is subservient to their god Allah. This concept has worked well to stoke nations into killing Christians and subverting the church

b) Or creating “Michael-christ” angel who appears as an angel to defeat evil, but is not Jehovah God as promoted by the Jehovah Witnesses. This created christ appeals to many and is a good counterfeit. But instead of promoting the fact that Jesus as God offers salvation as a free gift -they emphasize works only-salvation!

c) Or a “christ-spirit” that helps people and is super loving and sympathetic and willing to do anything for you if you know the spiritual methods to let him do it. This and other spiritual forms of christ are the New Age christ.

d) Or a “human christ” who will eventually allow Satan to inhabit his life force so that he can perform great miracles and command great power with world unifying leadership skills. This will be the Anti-christ.

e) Or a “mini anti-christ” like Hitler who will be gifted in speech and debate – able to use human skills and intelligence to destroy anything good around them.

f) Or a “created christ angel” whose brother is Satan himself and who again is really powerless to save on His own merit. This christ is not really God for he is a created spirit-being and offers humans the opportunity to be “gods” like him and have “heavenly families”. Again much of the Mormon faith is works based and diminishes the Truth of who Jesus Christ is by subverting His true Name!.

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