Answers on the Rock – To Pastors and Theologians Etc.

3 Letters to Pastors and Leaders:

  1.  I was somewhat confused by your sermon this Sunday. You suggested that God created the Universe in 6 Days, but then you implied that there is room for a “gap”. Was this what you meant? If so how can you fit this into the Gospel and into the Genesis Account? You suggest that Satan’s fall happened before the Creation hence the “tohu/bohu” or what you called “chaos”- then God brought order and goodness with his Creation. The Bible does not say this! You suggested that this is what most theologians believe! First of all that is not relevant since most “theologians” also believe in evolution! Are you trying to make room for evolution? Why not conclude that “in the beginning” everything would naturally been in a stage of creative order since EVERYTHING WAS CREATED BY GOD!! Sure Water is Chaotic (we see that in storms), but the fact that the Spirit was moving over it establishes the 3rd person of the Trinity working to form new molecules- the molecules of LIFE as the land is raised up and the water recedes or is absorbed into the caverns of the deep! To allow for evolution is to subject the Bible to total compromise and error! The Bible clearly shows that Satan entered the picture in the Garden – maybe having revolted against God due to his anger at God for having created man then woman and ignoring his own desires.

Then you continued your sermon with a discussion on Isaiah 14! ‘ Again you suggested that most theologians have your viewpoint. Does that make it true? Most theologians are not correctly positioned in Eschatology and do hold to the viewpoint that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia (read my post ! Do you believe that scripture should be taken as a whole unit or that it can be broken up into segments in order to create new theology? Do you believe that Satan can die? Do you realize that Isaiah lived to see Nebuchadnezzar become king in Babylon? It was Isaiah who saw the unknown Darius as one who would deliver Israel- even though he had not yet become a leader! So would it not make more sense that this whole passage is about a proud king who would elevate himself above God and then fall eventually to die!
The following verses point to a human not an angel:  V.9 “The grave below is all astir to meet your coming”, V. 11 “all your pomp has been brought down to the grave”, “how you have fallen from heaven”…does not have to refer to Satan- any royalty who glorified himself as did the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian kings would consider themselves like God and being worthy of glory in Heaven! V. 15 “but you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit”. “You are covered with the slain with those pierced by the sword”- Satan cannot be slain! And then in verse 22, Isaiah directly refers to Babylon! Your segmented theology is what the Jehovah Witnesses & the other cults do to prove their false theology! Also you state that Satan caused chaos when he was expelled? I doubt it! The angels still praise God in Worship and Satan would not have been missed at all!

2.  Lost or Found Christmas?

The Chorus, “BORN TO SUFFER, BORN TO SAVE, BORN TO RAISE US UP FROM THE GRAVE,” by Lauren Daigle , could be sung: “ Born of Promise, Born to Love, Born to open Eternity above.” Surprisingly the birth of the Son of God was missed by almost everyone! The innkeeper missed Christmas because he was busy and preoccupied- just as people today fill themselves with things that do not matter: endless pursuits, habits, desires, and work. Mighty leaders like Herod the Great missed it as their blind ambition and paranoia overcame them- just like merchandisers today who are afraid to lose power and influence by offending anyone with Jesus. The third group that missed Christ were the great minds of their day; those that had a “Biblical” education, language skills, and knowledge of God’s Promises and Prophets! Their self-righteousness led to a dogmatic pride akin those who preach a religion of Naturalism, Materialism, & Evolution from the Ivory towers of the Media and Academia . The fact is today more than ever there is a supernatural battle going on for the hearts of every child, teenager, and adult!  Grab your Bible, read it, and listen to your heart before you miss Him too. Only the Gentile Magi Saw that distant Star and Understood! They and the lowly shepherds acted through faith, and with risk journeyed to worship Him!  Jesus came for you, and now you can call on Him! He is the Door to eternal life. “’Call to me and I’ll answer you, and will tell you about great and hidden things that you don’t know.” Jer.33:3

3. Islamic Caliphates – the 4th Beast?
The Islamic conquest started before the 7th century and lasted through the 17th century. It actually never stopped but historically this is what happened: in 732 A. D. the Muslim Army, which was moving on Paris, was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell. Then in the 13th – 14th centuries a new bigger Islamic force fought the Bulgarians and Serbians. In the 15th century they rampaged central Europe. But in 1571 A. D. the Muslim invaders were defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean in the Battle of Lapano. In 1680 this Islamic Ottoman Army attacked Eastern Europe and after years of war was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies. The war had gone on for over 1,000 years and if not for the strong “Holy League” of armed forces, Christianity could well be non-existent and Judaism certainly would not exist. Yet, this great WAR has fallen into the back burner of history! Note that the Islamic Caliphate that was called the Ottoman Empire continued through WWII and only ended when Turkey became a Republic. Their brutality had decimated much of the known world and demolished the Byzantine Empire, all of northern Africa, and all the Middle East over to Persia and up into Russia! This along with earlier Caliphates could well be the Babylonian centric “Empire” that Daniel prophesied as the vicious 4th Beast. If true, then we are seeing a fulfillment of what Daniel saw as the final Beast- one with Iron Teeth, that will usher in the end of the world. We just saw what could be a “tooth revealed” as Turkey (now a NATO nation) almost initiated war with Russia. But the main fang is that of ISIS, the growth of Radical Islam, and the potential rise of a new Caliphate should Turkey and other nations fall into chaos. Note how all the super powers have gathered for war not far from Armageddon.


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