The world is “Out of Order” the Judge in the Court of the Heavens is hammering His gavel – a Sign of approaching Judgment. The world is more and more under the sway of the Devil. Devil means liar–and this Father of Lies is gaining more and more ears and control. Jesus warned that they hear with their ears yet do not hear, and see with their eyes and yet do not see. Each of the major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) warned their people of this and then Jerusalem fell. Trump gave God credit on the stage at the RNC and the big Box media scoffed– then God struck high tech worldwide crippling travel, finances, trade, and just about every major function– by crippling CloudStrike—yes it was GodStruck!
Grown men are lying about their sex and even their age to compete against women (just this year 692 women had scholarships, metals, or records taken away from them by men.) The Church is here to fulfill the Great Commission yet mainline churches are having debates whether they should ordain homosexuals or bless their weddings– a great percentage of the church is Out of Order. We are commanded to examine ourselves to SEE if we are in the faith! Is Jesus Christ in you? We grieve when a whale dies yet celebrate abortion or call the killing of babies a medical procedure. We are Out of Order. This is the Invisible War destroying the hearts of men and women. Public education allows men to dress like women and preach to children yet arrests or fires a coach who kneels on the grass and prays after a game. OUT OF ORDER declares the LORD, as He prepares to lower the gavel.
Under Biden, America’s leadership has abondoned our allies in Afganistan, hamstrung Israel, and now disrupted our democracy by ignoring the Primary vote. Loyd Austin our top General disappeared into hospital garb because he knew Biden was not accessible and not meeting with cabinet members. Who is leading our nation and is Biden capable of leading? Our enemies see a leader that has captitulated to the far left, that is weak, and has allowed a party coup to upend democracy. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter to understand deeper issues and signs of what is happening.
So, who is the existential threat to Democracy, Trump who won two primaries, or Harris who came in last in her one primary yet was appointed millions of dollars raised by the Biden candidacy in the last 3 years? How can this be called democracy? You have a candidate who had not raised a penny for her race yet claims the Biden bank account for her own race. She was appointed by the Elites not by the normal legal process established by both parties in the primaries. Lies claimed Biden was actively Healthy and the Biden/Harris campaign is using Lies to claim that Trump is a threat to Democracy when they themselves are the Biggest Threat. At this time America needs strong resolute leadership at such a perilous time. Yet again we are being pummeled with lies–stating that Biden is capable to be President but not to run for office. And now the pundits are saying that Trump is too old to run– this hypocrisy is undeniable.
This is a bridge to nowhere when you have a Biden presidency that perpetuates itself on Lies—if he cannot run for office why is he still in office? Why was Cheatle given a sweet condolence letter by Jill as she resigns from office? Was she a good friend of Jill? What qualifications did she have? Was this a conspiracy to open the doors for an assasination attempt against Trump? What is the morale level now in the Secret Service and how quickly can this failed administration resolve this? God Help us with a Great Spiritual Revival before the Final Chapter commences.