Our nation is on the way down as were many of the ancient and modern-day empires.  Only Israel was born again out of the ash-heap of history– a message and Sign that God honors His Covenant with Israel and that He holds that nation in high regard.  A new beginning, however, has happened for Jesus Christ opened the door to Heaven to all who believe in His Name and receive Him as their Savior– a chance to be Born again of the Spirit.

I have a question for all those optimistic pastors that have stated or suggested on TV that God will delay His judgment and thus the Rapture based upon a particular Church or regional revival.  Revival is good, but God did say that these last days are like the Days of Noah and those “people as a whole” did not repent even though they were heavily forewarned by Noah for 100 years. So I ask those leaders and you, do you really think that repentance can happen when half the church believes that Israel is not relevant in Biblical Eschatology and that God no longer has a Covenant with the nation of Israel? Sorry but God has an appointed Day and Hour for the Rapture and the leaders in the Church will unfortunately try everything to convince Christians not to worry but to keep the agenda and things will work out. They want the weekly income and are unwilling to believe that things will change.

The important thing to know is that God is in control but that His control means that He will bring judgment to the nations around us that are directly rebelling against Him. The most rebellious nation may just be America as we are the promoters of gender transition and puberty blockers that are destroying children. Pfizer and other big Pharma make billions on these life altering – soul destroying drugs.

We also have the largest most lucrative gambling, pornography, and drug abuse markets in the world. We generate the most idols and other bad thinking that is hurting the hearts of people throughout the world. So do you really believe that God is going to ignore America and passover the doors of evil that are being glorified by our wicked government? Wake up Church, get your life in order and stop worshipping your idols!!!!!!!!!! Start sharing the Gospel and read the Bible. 7 years ago I was warning of a foreshadowing of the 7 years of Tribulation and warned of prophetic events to happen in 2024 and 2025 or primarily in the Jewish year of 5784-85. Read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter. All the book does is just point out what the Prophets have said and the Great Signs that God has given us yet we do not see with eyes that see and hear with ears that hear.

We are too confused and distracted by the world and our own anxieties. And do not missunderstand. Repentance is importance but the key element is Obedience to His Word—to His Name. Obedience is better than sacrifice and frankly in America or the average church repentance is not sincere enough to reflect even a big sacrifice. How many really change their habits long term?

Is it just a coincidence that we have a bizzare incompetant leadership in this trying time? Is it coincidence that perversion as mentioned in Romans 1 is a dominant part of our culture? God has already judged our nation and the next stage can be understood if you read the history of the fall of Empires such as the Roman Empire.

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