The 2024 Tribulation: UFOs and Satan vs. God

There is a real Satan, the Prince of the power of the air, who has dominion on the earth and is skilled in deception. Is it just a coincidence that there are so many movies presenting UFO-alien scenarios and superhero vs. sci-fi creatures? Why is there so much UFO talk by pilots, military officers, scientists, and those who claim to have been abducted in a UFO event? Now the media and the government have taken up the mantle. Is the stage being set for a supernatural disappearance of millions of people? Now ask yourself what country has by far the greatest amount of Christian leadership with many active in key strategic areas such as doctors, nurses, engineers, politicians, judges, police officers, and military personnel. I believe America is far ahead of any nation in this unique blessing. God blessed us with a Christian foundation not only in law but also in our historical and educational narrative. This is diminishing before our eyes and maybe this is one reason why God has prepared this time for His soon Return and is thus giving so many Signs and Warnings.

The problem is magnified by fact that our leadership is weak and compromised. Who in their right mind would purposefully open their national borders to a world of very needy people, criminals, and potential Trojan horse invaders? Who would do this as a nation tried to recover from an economic collapse, a pandemic, and the real threat from Chinese and Arab infiltrators that have promised to retaliate against our nation? Right now we cannot even produce enough Patriot missiles to arm Ukraine, Israel, and our troops overseas. Our nation may be more vulnerable now than any time since the revolutionary war.  But consider this: maybe God has allowed this all to happen for a reason—   these events fit His divine Timetable and allow His Prophetic Promises to be fulfilled.

There are, however, a few institutions or situations that are still a huge obstacle for Satan and our other enemies as they prepare the way for a non-American global Anti-Christ. The biggest and most powerful obstacle is the Church and the next are those nations and governments that have been supported or propped up by America. These include Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and those nations that face the Russian and Chinese front. When the rapture comes America will fall quickly affecting the remaining leadership and internal fortitude in those other nations. With those key “Arab nations” turning against the now weakened Israel, and with an emboldened Gog and Magog (Putin and Russia), Iran and other incited forces such as Syria will quickly seek to retaliate against Israel. This will be the war of Ezekiel 38. America’s defenses will collapse as our remaining forces retaliate against Russia and China. The White, Red, Black, and Pale Horses of the Apocalypse will quickly follow destroying 1/4 of the earth with 1/4 of the population.

Many will come to faith as they witness this world catastrophe and the disappearance of so many Christians they knew. Their blood will be shed on earth by the resulting rebellion, anarchy, and chaos. Their spiritual blood will appear at the altar in heaven crying out for vengeance, the 5th Seal (this is a good example of how God fulfills the Lord’s prayer- “on earth as it is in heaven). Then a massive earthquake will strike the earth and all the mountains, and all the islands will shake causing the “kings” of the earth to flee into “caves” as they cry out to God for mercy. The massive amount of dust, fire, and smoke will cause the moon to appear as blood and the sun will be darkened (read the Seal #6 in Chapter 6). Then as the nations of the world work to select a leader under a one-world currency, the Anti-Christ will make his appearance. Satan will first empower the False Prophet who will then help direct and groom the Anti-Christ to be leader of the 10 Horns or Kings of Power on Earth.

Read the prophetic book that has come true -Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation- along with the 3rd in the Series warning of Tribulation 2024.

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