Dr. Hofmann’s Book Reviews

Book 1:  Dentistry Xposed:  DentistryXposed by Dr. Peter Hofmann is a book written by a man with 43 years of experience as an urban and wilderness dentist. The first few pages of this book got me hooked, as it promises to be a health advocate for those who cannot afford the modern hospital. The truth is that every human being has one or more health concerns. Coming across a book that promises cost-effective tips on staying healthy will surely get your attention. If you want to know about the challenges of modern dentistry, foods that help fight tooth decay, the importance of fibrous foods, and the only recommended healthy sugar, then make sure you finish reading this book.

This book focuses mainly on dentistry practice, the challenges of a modern-day dentist, and the way forward. In advising on how to choose a dental treatment, the author advised you to wait or go online to websites like PubMed or Medline when in doubt about a medical procedure.

The thing I like about this book is that it made me aware of my teeth. I never knew that teeth could erode from over-brushing. My prior conviction is that, just like a dirty cloth, the more you wash and brush your teeth, the cleaner you are. This book proved otherwise. Also, this book said it is good practice to rotate the use of a toothbrush, allowing each to dry out before reuse. This practice prevents bacterial recontamination.

After reading this book, I discovered that one of the greatest enemies of the tooth is sugar. If the world spends fewer billions to produce sugar when compared to the trillions it costs to treat sugar-related illnesses, then to tackle sugar diseases, we have to tackle its production. The healthy sugar recommended for use in this book is xylitol. If you want to learn about the health benefits of this healthy sugar, read the rest of this book.

Another thing I like about this book is the use of diagrams at some points to drive home the writer’s point. I admire the labeling of the parts of the teeth and their functions. Also, this book has a lot of words unique to dentistry. To make reading easier, the author did not leave the readers in the dark but defined the technical terms used in this book. I give it 5 stars.

Book #2  Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the 3rd book in this exciting Trilogy.

Dr. Peter Hofmann, author of Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter, unveils the coming events that will shape the future of the world. The series of events will challenge the status quo and bring about a new world order.  Dr. Hofmann draws from the ancient prophecies of the Bible and other sources to warn of a great and powerful war between the forces of light and darkness. He reveals God’s plan to humble the proud and the elite, and to crush the invisible forces that control the Dark Pyramid of false religions and criminal elements.

Dr. Hofmann says, “We are in the Last Days, and the Hour is near as forewarned by the prophets in the Old Testament and by Jesus Christ, Paul, and Peter in the New Testament.” He explains that God gave us a very significant sign, much like the Bethlehem Star, as a warning of invisible “agents,” both natural and supernatural, that have affected every sector and level of society worldwide.

He believes that the purpose of this book is to wake people up, so that they can make changes in their lives. He states, “People must evaluate their eternal perspective and realize that God is fulfilling the plans He set down throughout ancient time.”

Dr. Hofmann’s book is a testament to God’s love and grace even in this time of trial and uncertainty. He hopes that the book will give strength and courage to those who are facing ever increasing hardship and anxiety.

Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter is Available at Amazon:  and Barnes & Noble: 

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