Debt for 30-year-olds is up 27% since 2019. The younger adults love spending money and act as if they will recipients of free money in the future. The national debt of over 30 trillion and the Administrationâs attempt to win our love and buy our votes is lending to this ailment. This Free Money attitude may also be inspiring a whole new generation of “deservers” to act criminally. They feel that they deserve wealth and whatever they want because the world around them is “stealing” their future. This is going to lead to greater and greater amounts of crime – in every category from larceny and shoplifting, to riots and destructive robbery. This may be one of the most difficult summers since the riots of 2020. There is a rebellion rising that will lead to major lawlessness in the big cities (and it may become worldwide).
Everyone will feel the heat as we see inflation in the major areas of life including the increased difficulty in getting small bank loans. People are not putting money into small bands because they pay such a low interest rate compared to T-bills that pay 4 or 5 %. Insurance rates are on the rise due to increased theft and destruction, extreme weather, EV replacement costs, and all the elements that insurance companies have to deal with.
None of this includes external threats and the failures of our central government. Nor does it include the ever-present climate issues or illegal immigration and other invasions and diseases. We are on the precipice of war and our nation is divided in multiple ways without a good sense of direction. Can we survive this trend? The world laughs at those who pray to God for answers. It does not heed the warnings of God’s promises and prophecy related to the End Times and to Israel and an approaching war and rapture of the Church.
The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all Your Heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him? and He will make your path straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and shun evil,- this will bring health to your body.” But most want to do it their way and reject God.
What will summer portend in your neighborhood? It does not look good for our big cities. The good news is that the large snowfall is bringing flood like conditions on the Rio Grande which is hindering human trafficking, drug smuggling and illegal crossings. The bad news is we will definitely see higher gas prices and according to some forecasters – we will see a much hotter and drier summer throughout the nation and in many other parts of the world.
Prosecutors in many big cities go by the philosophy introduced in the movie “The Shack”- that many people are victims of their environment. They say that these poor kids or young adults deserve a break because they were raised in violence or darkness and may not understand right and wrong. This is one big reason why they are letting them go free without bonding or generating a criminal record. LIES have been stoked to the point that there is no freedom of speech in Universities and Christians are being blamed for the deaths at the Covenant School, for shutting down the “right to abortion” and Jews are being assaulted for their connection to Israel– all of this is swimming around in the brains of the youth as it is stoked by CNN, Hollywood talking heads, the money flowing from those like George Soros and other elites. Their argument is that “the environment creates juvenile and adult crime– and therefore they should not be punished. Let them express themselves.”
This summer is going to be a lot more chaotic than people realize. Everything is leading up to a breakdown in our security, the implosion of our democratic system, and the overthrow of the standards and principles that have held our nation together. Our nation is losing its credibility overseas. The real implosion will happen when the dollar fails, and we can no longer just print money to run our debtor nation. In effect we are breaking every standard that gives honor and Glory to God in this downward spiral.
The national debt of over 30 trillion and the Administrationâs attempt to win our love and buy our votes is lending to this ailment. This Free Money attitude may also be inspiring a whole new generation of “deservers” to act criminally. They feel that they deserve wealth and whatever they want because the world around them is “stealing” their future. This is going to lead to greater and greater amounts of crime – in every category from larceny and shoplifting, to riots and destructive robbery.
People who have turned to a chronic sin like pornography or homosexuality or transgenderism and felt guilty are now released of that guilt and ill feeling because they are now empowered by society and even their families. Is this what Jesus spoke about when he warned that a demon leaves the person but goes out and finds 7 other demons and returns to the “cleaned out home that is now in order” and brings greater destruction.
The seeds of Darkness has entered our lives through music, TV, movies, gaming, gambling, drugs, fantasy, intellectual lies, dark sex, blood money, and all the other “thrills” that take the mind away from God. The only Answer is God – and do not depend on your perception of who God is—- He cannot be manipulated.
Read His Word for Jesus says you will be saved if you can call Him Lord, and believe in your HEART that He rose from the dead. This means that you have faith because it takes faith to throw away the lies of the world and to just place your trust —-all your life— your thoughts and dreams— on Jesus Christ.
To understand WHY this is happening read the books by Johnathan Cahn and the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter. The first book in this trilogy warned of Covid and other “invisible” agents that have disrupted our way of life.