Johnathan Cahn as posted a powerful video concerning the Shiddem or destroyer angel that often rises in June to affect Satan’s plans for the world. In this case this demon or a group of demons found a home in a transgender killer who set and killed 3 adults in the 60’s and 3 kinds all 9.
You will see how this may have an indirect meaning: The Rise of the Zombie “hollowcost” — demonic possesion and the command to kill Christians including children. We are approaching the month of June when the rise of these demonic spirits have in the past been guided by Sheddim or destroyer to target society. Even Jesus spoke of this when he said that some demon possessed people as in the case of the demoniac men who were delivered by the Lord. Those demons entered the 2 men who “dwelt in the hollows.” The demoiac lived in a cave and had a legion of demons, Those demons were commanded to enter the pigs nearby. Jesus warned of this type of demon that once exorcised can go out and bring 7 more demons more evil than itself (and thus those 8 can then go out and get 7 more each etc.) and will then re-enter that now cleaned out but weak “home “. The name of the killer at the Covenant Church in Tennesee– her/his name means “the one who dwells in the hollows.” He killed 3 kids and 3 adults. = 6 and killed adults whose ages were 61, 60 and 61—666. Much is inverted in
Satanism and the ages of the 3 children were 9, 9, and 9 or inverted 6,6,6.
In reality these were innocent souls targeted by this destroyer spirit. To
understand this read Johnathan Cahns books and the revealing book that
explains Satan’s increased activity: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible
War and the Final Chapter. Here is the link to Cahn’s video: