The Cosmic God Pill

Thw world is about to Take God’s strong medicine. We saw the world rejoice with “Unholy” and Satan in the Grammy’s and at the exact time on the other side of the world a massive combination of earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria killing over 43,000 and increasing daily. Russia has canceled the nuclear proliferation treaties and Putin is meeting with Xi to gain support for his war in Udraine. the world is chosing sides for a major war.

Do you have the heart-felt knowledge that God is trying to get our attention and trying to bring the lost to their knees in order to save them? To do this God will allow trials to shake our nation. this article may be hard to digest but it is the pill that we are presently being fed.

We have given Ukraine 16 Himars rocket systems that have a 50 mile range and has torn apart Russian advances. Russia has done an excellent job of destroying the plywood and cardboard decoys set out by Ukraine.  A number of prominent Twitter and Telegram accounts have said Russia is claiming to have destroyed 44 Ukrainian HIMARS, even though the US has supplied only those 16.
“The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has announced today at a briefing the destruction of 44 HIMARS out of 20 that are in service in Ukraine, – according to open sources,” Flash tweeted, in a message that received more than 3,000 likes and 470 retweets.  This was all fake news.  These long-range, high-precision rocket launchers, HIMARS, have proven extremely effective in Ukraine’s ongoing war effort. With a range reaching up to 50 miles, Ukraine has used the rockets to effectively hit Russian positions and then move the unit  before the enemy can retaliate. Thus Russia has failed to destroy a single HIMARS launcher since Ukraine first began using them in June, according to a senior Defense Department official.
This Ukraine war would not have happened if Biden had not shut down our efficient oil and gas pipelines. By hampering our oil and gas production Biden increased the price of all kinds of energy worldwide, which has allowed Putin to pay for his war machine.  History shows that each time the price of gsoline went above $80/barrel Putin saw it as an opportunity to invade a country near his border.  This happened with Soviet Georgia and with his take over of Crimea.  But Biden was so dumb as not to foresee this!  Now the economies of the world are paying for this and so is the world’s ecology!
Now looking at the Homefront it looks like the democrat philosophy of using chaos to make advances has become their template for administrating the economy and the border. As Obama said never forget to take advantage of a good “chaos.”  Biden has purposed to load Texas with poor illegal immigrants in order to break its independence and its rejection of the Federal health care network. He intends on breaking the back of the Republican party and conservatism. So do not rely on any guilty conscience or sympathy to change their brutal programs that are killing hundreds of weaker immigrants who fall by the side. He does not care about the drugs that are killing thousands of young Americans including high school kids. Nor does he care about a 22 trillion-dollar debt that will balloon by 2033. He does not care about those people in Ohio that are suffering from that ecological disaster (even though ecology is the centerpiece of the democrat platform.) He does not care about inflation that is breaking the budgets of millions nor does he care about the strength of our military in a war against China—because he expects to come out on top no matter what happens —with his good connections across the Pacific.
Globalism is Biden’s god and he expects it to save the world.   His buddy Bill Gates has given 1 billion towards a Universal digital currency.  This will allow the UN to keep track of the billions who need healthcare, food, and other supplies.  But it will also be used to track and control everyone when the Anti-Christ makes his move.  Artificial Intelligence which is being promoted by Musk, Soros, and other billionares will allow Biden and others to promote a liberal agenda and establish the foundaton for a one-world government.   It should be called AF for Artificial Supitidity because it will be demoting the Truth and promoting the Lie.
Biden knows that he will win the next election not based on popularity but based on his machine–much of which is corrupt. The fact is more than half of Americans have been brainwashed by lies and deceit. As with the Roman Empire right before its collapse we are the threshold of self-destruction. I tell you this because you must turn to God and seek Him with all your heart, soul, and mind. This may seem harsh but God knows when hearts have hardened and when materialsim, mihilism, self-determination, perversion, the sacrifice of babies, and other idolatry have grown so popular as to destroy the lives and souls of the innocent— that it is better to bring greater Trials and Tribulation in order to shake people onto their knees. His goal is to protect others including the innocent around the world influenced by our wicked Hollywood, media, and culture.
So ironically God is allowing the Biden’s of the world to fluorish. The world is being shaken so that a new order can rise up that will promise Peace and Unity in the form a one-world government. Equality will be one of its banners. All the nations around the world are failing and the stage is set for a great war that God will intervene in– one that will destroy Iran without hurting Israel, but also one that will weaken America to a great degree. Read more about this in the book triology titled Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

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