Fakery the New Culture of America

The trade and art of fakery is proliferating in our culture and is affecting the whole world. In fact this fakery has led to wars, the death of many, and compromise of world peace and prosperity.

More and more data and facts are being uncovered that show 2017 was a critical period in which great amounts of fake news was generated and when the security services of various departments including the FBI, DOJ, CIA and Homeland security were compromised by people put in place by Obama. These key players were able to undermine Trump’s efforts to defend himself. for they had privileged connections to Twitter, Facebook, major newspapers, and network TV stations around the country that were eager to do their bidding. It was easy for the democratic machine to push a false agenda and false charges against Trump and anyone in his administration. The Lies and gross deceit cancelled and sot to undermine all of Trump’s great achievements in stabalizing the economy, our border security, and the setting up protective peace deals with North Korea and with Israels neighborns in Middle East.. Putin and Xi had deep respect for Trump’s defense of the American ideal which included worldwide protection of human rights and borders.
Biden has worked to destroy all of this by using Obama’s agents that were planted in those areas of security. They are the ones who illegally sought the overthrow of a President. If anyone should be accused of “insurrection” it should be those who set Trump up for impeachment. All of Trump’s cabinet and those appointed by him were undermined including others such as Congressmen Nunez who had uncovered a lot of those lies.
The Holy Spirit is quickening believers to stand up and stoke revival and push truth to lost generations. The young people simply need to believe on what the Spirit of God is beconing them to receive–the Gospel of Truth. The lines are being drawn between the lies and the truth and all those who want an eternal relationship with a God who loves them have to decide whether to Cross that Line towards Salvation in Jesus Christ. We are in a major Spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of millions who are being deceived by evil forces and the darkness that is spreading up and down the byways of the world. One new and powerful example is the A.I, bias being fed into computers and search engines that attack Christianity, the conservative viewpoint, and Trump specifically. For instance it refuses to give data for Oil and Gas exploration or use. The data is supplied by a liberal source- in essence a propaganda machine. This does not bode well for the future for these are all harbingers of the future Anti-Christ. The Way of Hope is narrow but it is extremely rewarding to overcome fear, anxiety, distress, and the dark lies and falsehoods around you.
Our world is full of fakery- from the commercials we watch to the facade behind Hollywood, easy wealth, easy fame, and easy power. We see fake diplomas and degrees, fake essays and thesis, fake pills and vitamins, fake data accumulated by ChatGPT for search engines etc., fake “organics”, fake news and influencers, fake beauty and bodies (yes some steroid filled bodies claim their good looks and strength is due to a particular lifestyle such as using a certain vitamin or other product), and fake science. This is a sign of the times and is all part of the LIE tht will lead to a false security.
This was predicted in the Bible. Jeremiah says, “Truth is perished and is cut off from their mouths.” He warns of a time when all we deceive their neighbors. Our phony lifestyles is promoted by the power of the air—the media and Satan is the Prince of the Air. Isaiah warned, “No one calls for justice, nor pleads for the truth, they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” A good example is Jan. 6–which has been used to push a fake narrative and incite hatred and racisim. Lies are trying to foment a race war and hatred towards Christians.
Jesus said that one overall characteristic of the end time—will be like the Days of Noah—and note that the flood came because of violence not perversion. Satan will do all he can to stoke violence and his way of doing it is to kill, steal, destory, and lie. Here are some of the LIes: The FBI, DOJ, and liberal media are unbiased, it is healthy to have 2 moms or 2 dads, blacks are intentionally targeted for demise, wind power is clean and safe, the British Empire and Trumps Adminstration was worse than Hitlers Nazism, the world will end in 10 years due to climate change, Jan. 6 was an insurrection, all people have an immortal soul, inflation is worse everywhere compared to America. Trump caused the inflation and Biden has saved the economy.. The fact is 100,000 federal employees have at least one fake degree which includes generals and top scientists, 50,000 fake phD’s are bought each year. Many top selling suppliments or vitamins do NOt have most of the herbs listed.
Most of Biden’s intiatives are against the prophetic elements in the Bible that speak of the Salvation of Jews and Gentiles alike. Instead they promote the killing of Jews, destruction of the present government in Israel, and the rise of a one-world government with climate control as its main agenda. After Biden gave the Palestinians 1 Billion dollars death by terrorism in Israel increase by 900%: What a difference a billion dollars makes. While the media has tried to portray the terrorism as “lone wolf” attacks, they’re crowdsourced violence of the kind that Al Qaeda and ISIS helped innovate. But the PLO’s version is unique through its ‘Pay-for-Slay’ program which rewards terrorists, regardless of their formal affiliation, including ISIS and Hamas members, with salaries and payments for their families. Terrorists are paid based on the length of their prison sentence. That means successful killers can earn $2,000 to $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher.
Prophecy forewarns of this fall. In the book of Daniel the Word states that Satan (who is roaming our land) will cast down the Truth to the ground, in his works and in his prosperity. Why is it happening? Daniel states because “by reason of transgression.” The sins of the world opens the door to Satan and that portal was opened wide in 2017 when the Great Sign of the Woman appeared in the skies over the entire world……read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War and Final Chapter.

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