Are We Ready?

Again The Bible has a powerful verse to describe how the lowly, the rejected, the leftovers and abused are used to shame those who claim to be wise and powerful.. God can use anyone to change the world. Here is the verse from I Cor. 1:28: “God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.” It is like a baby in a manger, a boy with slingshot, a drowning man, an old woman, a demoniac or a fisherman, a resurrected Jew, a tax collector or repentant persecuter, can not only shake the world but can lead people to an amazing Eternal Salvation.
God also uses Signs to draw our attention. Do you think that maybe names or numbers can be used. There are names that make us think twice about their implication such as Biiiden or Puuutin—Trump sounds good. Is God sounding the Trumpet? Our new hero in baseball has an interesting name: Aaron (the Priesthood of Aaron) Judge (the next time the world sees the Lord, He will be their Judge.)  The Judge is Coming! The greatest hitter of all time Roger Maris is about to have his homerun record for one season smashed by Yankee home run phenom- Aaron Judge. He hit two on Sunday and is playing tonight—just one more and he will break the record.  I believe a lot in names especially names that pop up out of nowhere in record books topping all previous records in a sport that is considered America’s family sport. This is epic moment for those baseball fans and the typical middleclass family—kind of a symbol of America’s heart.
In the midst of this event the typical American family is under attack by government directed inflation, transgenderism agendas, and other sex related attacks that want to separate parents from their own children. They want to teach these kids gender pronouns instead of the heroes of American history. They want to teach kids sexual ideas that traditionally has been the right of only the parents. This government is also allowing the increase rates of crime and the open border policy is allowing more flow of drugs and criminal elements into their neighborhoods. America is in a whirlwind of trouble in almost every area including foregin policies. To learn more about the landscape of where we land on the prophetic map read any of the cosmic Crossroad countdown series or trilogy.
Think how important the number 12 is? It is written all over the Temple of God and His Tabernacle, it is a big part of our natural world–12 months, 12 constellations, 12 hours of the day and 12 of the night. Look into the Word and see how key the 12th Chapter is. Realize that Revelation 12 is the most mysterious chapter in the Bible yet astronomers know that it happened on September 23, 2017 exactly as described + with added features such as Jupiter and Venus traveling the entire Solar System together for 400 days at which time they enter the “womb of Virgo” and Jupiter remains there for the average gestation period of a baby—9 months! That Chapter points to the invisible war in both the natural and supernatural. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown–the trilogy. It along with the formation of the nation of Israel are the two marker events exaclty 70 years apart that mark the new beginnings–the countdown to the Tribulation.

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