Citizens of Earth

May I ask HAVE YOU EVER LISTENED TO OR READ A BOOK BY A CHRISTIAN who has an extensive knowledge of science and who is also a Born-Again Believer with a strong background in both HISTORY & THE BIBLE?  Did it ever occur to you that a scientist may have a unique perspective that theologians, prophecy speakers, spirituality gurus, and pastors may have missed?  In a way it is like seeing light through a prism and realizing that God’s Light has another form and unique quality beyond our casual observation. God did warn us that “seeing you have not seen.”

The Holy Spirit transformed my life after I was radically saved in my office. In the process I had a near death experience where I was taken in a spiral of powerful LIGHT to a stage in what I perceived was a pitch-dark HELL.  I was on a stage when God asked, “does anyone have anything against this man?”  I was then lifted away by that same spiral of LIGHT.  When I awoke the janitor was wide eyed looking and stammering that I was alive. He told me that he ran to call the police, but they doubled back because he thought that he should first try CPR.  When he walked into the room, I was sitting up rubbing my legs which were numb.  Let me give you a good example from my recent book in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series. 1st take note that I have a doctor’s degree related to the physiology of the mouth and tongue.  I included this in the book because I had heard too many sermons claiming that the lesson in the story of Gidon’s 300- was it pays to be Alert-  NOPE God had a better lesson for us:

“The account of Gideon and the defeat of the Midianites is a good example of how God tested the faith of Gideon and the Israelites. Some say that God chose those last 300 men by how careful they were in drinking water from the spring. In a recent sermon a pastor stated that God chose the 300 because they were observant of their surroundings as they lapped like dogs with their eyes looking to-and-fro. Really? Note that Gideon started with 32,000 men and by the time God finished guiding Gideon’s selection there were only 300. It is clear to the author since he is a specialist in the physiology of the mouth and tongue that no one can lap like a dog. It is physiologically impossible. So, it makes more sense to the text and spirit of the Word that God miraculously gave 300 men the ability to lap like a dog so that Gideon could visually select those soldiers whom God found faithful. Only God knew the hearts of those men and only He knew which 300 had the faith and courage to represent Him in victory. After all the enemy forces had exactly 400 times the number of men and ended killing each other. This is a lesson on God’s Provision and the importance of having a pure Heart and a Righteous Spirit.  This comes from obedience to God’s Word and listening to His voice.”

I enjoy reading Jonathan Cahn’s books.  His latest book is profoundly true — however my book that came out in 2021 and has been updated for 2022 exposed this dark reality from a slightly different perspective.  It spoke of the dark pyramid and the “gods of this age” along with all the powers of darkness along with the principalities of evil that are manipulating people and events to prepare the stage for the Anti-Christ.  The Book is Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter.  It is the last book in the Cosmic Crossroad Trilogy—the first came out in 2017, one week prior to the great American Solar Eclipse.  Each insight revealed in this book came TRUE.

I, however, lacked complete faith in what God had put in my heart and mind and reluctantly diminished the message concerning the fall of the American Economy. God told me to state that our economy would collapse, and it was stated that way in the first print—-but I thought that since the economy was booming under Trump that the statement would discourage people from reading the book—that it would hurt the credibility of the book—I was wrong.

As stated, I wrote the first book, which the Lord put in my heart, in 2017— and 7 out of 7 insights came true including the MAIN WARNING that we would be hit by an Invisible agent that would negatively affect every level and sector of society.  The result would be New Beginnings that would change the way we live and affect even the elections.  Two other Cosmic Crossroad Countdown have since been written.  The latest one has just been updated and is right now being published. It is Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter. The following is a short summary:

Can you sense that something is amiss in our fine-tuned Creation and in our current events? We seem to be teetering on chaos or self-destruction.  For this a Great Sign was given to warn us – yet our leaders both in government and in the Church choose to ignore it.  The first Cosmic Crossroad Countdown warned of an Invisible War and waves of New Beginnings that would upturn every sector of society. Those 7 insights came true exactly as forewarned.  This new book reveals amazing insights that should shake the world.  Understanding the mystery of the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the historical markers that surround it will light the path to a divine crossroad and countdown.

This divine crossroad takes history and theology and links a Divine time to our timeline while joining the Great Sign to an ancient prophecy and curse. As we uncover this mystery, we will see a dark web, an error in histories most important date, a series of unique astronomical events, and a profound truth that can determine our future. Just as scribes and scholars of the past missed the warnings of Noah’s flood and the Bethlehem Star, we cannot be distracted by nor depend on “blind eyes.” There is a hidden link behind the Sign and a prophetic generation rising from “dry bones.”  Together they start a countdown to a time of Great Tribulation on earth, the 70th week of Daniel and the great Abomination. There is an approaching blazing mountain and a mighty earthquake that will affect the whole earth.  It may be easy to explain the “How” and “When” or “Where” in these events, but this book will go a step further and explain the difficult answers to the “WHY.”

One simple example is WHY has Chapter 12 of Revelation been relegated to the junk heap of prophecy?  It is in the VERY CENTER of the most important book in Prophecy and acts as a compass to link Genesis, Daniel, and all other prophecies together.  This unique book and chapter will uncover mysteries  that blind eyes and deaf ears have hidden.

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