God is Speaking

Knowing God’s love is the Greatest Truth in all the Universe. His love can save even the most despicable person from eternal darkness.  That transformed heart will grow in the good soil of surrender, repentance, forgiveness, humility, and the other virtues and truth the Lord has given us. Many people call this God’s “amazing grace” for He gives us the written Word and the freedom to choose. Our choice must be authentic but once a person allows God into their heart, the Spirit will work to purify the mind giving you a new identity and a purpose. It makes sense that the dark powers and principalities of evil in this world system will seek to interfere with or destroy this process. These powers seek to block the Light coming from God in order to replace it with a counterfeit truth and a counterfeit power that might work on earth for a set time but will eventually end in death, “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.”

One effective campaign has been to use climate and cultural division to create fear, doubt, and despair.  Their methods have undermined the educational system and most of the media and entertainment. They are now able to control large masses of uninformed people. They can omit any news that weakens their cause and use lies to create division. Divide and conquer is effective especially if you can convince one side that your lies are true.  This is a basic Marxist tactic. Convince people that the institutions such as the church are oppressors that seek to benefit only the wealthy.  They can turn masses of people against what God established as good and noble in order to attain the evil that will destroy them.  This is being made evident in the physical and mental health of our nation.  The consumption of empty foods is a manifestation of our consumption of empty truth.  Both give pleasure while they fill the body with physical or emotional toxins that weaken our resistance to further temptations and lies.

These dark powers have harvested willing victims such as politicians, actors, singers, sports stars, and millions of others who thrive on popularity and prestige. With the proper bait these gifted people have followed the mantra of a dark side and have drunk of its power.  They have willingly surrendered their moral compass and virtue. Their motto is, “You can have whatever you want on your own terms.”  They are pawns of a greater evil that has been manifested throughout the ages.

The billions of people led by this lie do not know what is coming.  As they indulge in pleasure and profit, they will sow sin upon the generation, and soon later they will reap its poisonous fruit. The great powers drunk with materialism and anti-God freedom will stumble and fall. They will usher in a new world, a one-world power dictated by a dark Trinity of Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. Those who survive the first wave of chaos will grieve then rejoice thinking they have been spared to bring in a new stronger order. But God says, All have sinned, and the wage of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ alone. He warns that within 3-and one-half years those who have not surrendered to God will meet a devastating end as they follow the Anti-Christ into perdition.

God is the only solution, and the Church needs to open its eyes and listen for His voice in order to understand His plan.  Too many churches are led by agendas and leaders whose hearts are not surrendered to God’s Word and therefore His Will. They will be held accountable to false teaching and acting in a lukewarm way.  They have rejected the Signs and warnings in the Word and therefore have not been blessed by God’s Great Prophetic Book of Revelation. Three times this great book promises a blessing, yet they have not opened their hearts to its truth. They have spiritualized its message thus distorting its TRUTH.  They will be caught by surprise and will lead their members into the clutches of the false Trinity.  God will not open His door to them.

Once the sequence of Seals begins, they will flee in fear and panic and will be easy prey for the dark order that will take control.  God has given me and others a commission to warn these churches before it is too late. Do NOT depend on liturgy and man-centered rituals. God is trying to get our attention for just as the Pharisees were self-righteous and blind our modern church has grown very near-sighted, and wealth centered.  Christians must SEEK God with all their heart, mind, and soul. He will converse with anyone willing to listen.  “Come and Reason with me,” says the Lord Almighty; you will see and know the riches and treasures of Truth.

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