Sin or Satan & What is Happening

Christ came into the world to save man from sin.  Sin is the transgression of the Law.  It pollutes and defiles everything it touches: 1)  It is also a defiance against God and shows severe ingratitude;  2) It is a scourge on man and cannot be removed just as a leopard cannot change its spots;  3)  It condemns  us to eternal death; 4)  God damns only the sinner and that is why He sent Jesus Christ to save us; 5)  God hates sin;  6) and the blood of Jesus Christ washes sin away.  If we trust in the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us, we will be saved from the penalty of sin.  We still sin but the penalty is gone- God does not count it against us. “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” and the “wages of Sin is death.” Without Jesus Christ we are destined to serve the law of sin and death.  But with Jesus Christ we are destined to eternal life with Him in Heaven.

The mind is desperately wicked  and Sin dominates the mind so that it is overpowered by evil.  The Bible confirms that evil dominates the will of the sinner.  It says that humanity loves darkness because our hearts are evil. Man is overpowered by evil.  It is a copout to blame it all on Satan, yet with weak theology many think “Satan made me do it.”  Satan does work in the life of the sinner, for Jesus said, “you are of your Father the Devil” to the Pharisees.  Sin brings unbelievers under easier control by Satan, but he cannot control the Christian nor is he omniscient. This may be why he focuses on the Anti-Christ, entering him, and controlling the world through him.

Jesus cast out demons many times but only once cast them into pigs so what happened to the others?  We do not know the extent of the division between the physical and the spirit—it could be that as a dislocated spirit they immediately stepped into God’s domain and are in essence no longer “on earth.” Paul saw 3 heavens, so they could be in a lower heaven until the time comes.  Sin is evil, but when the person invites Satan or demons or evil spirits to take part, I believe it moves to another level – but it is still volitional and therefore probably counted as sin.  Satan has no power over the believer but can temp us and therefore undermine our mission or image.  Yes, Satan rules the earth, but he is a false ruler not having a kingship and like an exiled ruler, he is positioned in heaven where he is limited in his freedom and power. He can accuse the Saints and can interact with God as he did in the case of Job.

The point is Revelation 12 has not been fulfilled completely – for the second part where the word “then” is used has not happened: Satan is cast out of heaven after the sign of Revelation 12 is fulfilled- but there is no indication that he has begun the Tribulation, nor begun a heavy persecution of Jews and Israel.  My book goes into detail to explain this, and Revelation states that there is a curse placed upon anyone who adds to the Book of Revelation.  God, however, has blessed me ever since I wrote this explanation of Revelation 12 and so I am totally 100% convinced what the lord gave me is true.  The completion of the Great Sign in Revelation 12 is much like the formation of the nation of Israel in 1947-48 and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947.  Both of those completely changed our understanding of not only Prophecy but also the accuracy of Prophecy.  Likewise, SCIENCE PROVES that the Great Sign happened at a propitious moment in 2017 – where layers of Biblical and Scientific events overlapped to Glorify God.  Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown book series.

There are two reasons that are clear why Satan is not cast out yet.   Number one is the fact that the Word states that he knows his time is “short” and if you look throughout the scripture whenever the word short is used it does mean short and not 6000 years.  And number two Revelation is very clear that now Satan will be very “Furious” indicating that there is a heightened amount of evil about to happen upon Earth due to Satan and his angels.  This would also negate Satan being cast out around the time of the Garden of Eden because the Bible is very clear that it was man’s sin both in the garden and later at the flood, and if you go to you will see the rest of the story…. this is also discussed in my new book: COSMIC Crossroad Countdown the Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

Also, Satan was not cast out at the Cross.  Jesus did say that he saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven, but this does not have a time element related to us and because he is the Beginning and the End it could be future affirmation.  True, that once Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, Satan lost his power against Christians and those who trust in the Power of the Cross.  However, the statement related to “the accuser of the Saints” relates to the church which was formed after the Price Paid at the Cross.  Satan is still emboldened to weaken the Church and the believer and the World with its unbelievers.  We all need to understand this because we tend to take Satan for granted as if he is a totally toothless lion—when it is quite clear that when the “evil time comes” Satan will wreak havoc on the world as he persecutes what remains of Israel and the Church and puts the world under his control.

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