God & Prophecy

Almost one third of the Bible is focused on God revealing the truth about the future.  God is not trying to scare us, He wants us to know what the future holds in order to give us Peace and Hope!  Therefore, he wants us to know the message in the Word and the “Signs of the Time.”  Like a good Father, He is in control, and we can have rest and assurance in Him.
1. Prophecy Speaks Truth for God does not lie, nor does He mislead us.  He is Light and Salvation.  He exists outside of time and is therefore, All-Knowing and Omni-Present.  He knows everything from the Beginning to End and into Eternity.

  1. As implied earlier Prophecy proves the Bible Is True. Everything has happened as promised and predicted.
    The Bible is the only book ever written that is full of prophecies that have happened exactly as predicted. Over 350 Prophecies related to Jesus Christ and His first Coming have already been fulfilled.  He is the Messiah, the Promised One of the Old Testament, the Son of David, and the Wonderful Counselor spoken of by Isaiah and other Biblical prophets.
    3.  Prophecy proves that God Is in Control of everything including time and events in history.  When you read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown you will see God’s footprint throughout history.  God is sovereign over mankind and over the Universe and will therefore fulfill all the Promises He made.  He is in control of even the stars as was illustrated by both the Bethlehem Star and by the Great Sign of Revelation 12 that is discussed in the Cosmic book mentioned.
    4. Prophecy Demonstrates God’s Great Love for us.  We are not accidents in the tree of evolution.  All the modern machinery and Science cannot create one living creature, nor a one-celled organism.  Life is given by God and a renewed Life or a Spiritual Life in Him is also promised in His Word to all who believe.  God gives us purpose and an identity.  He has a purposeful destination for those who trust in Him. And He wants to share eternity with us.  He shares His plans with us so that we will know how world history will end, with the faithful living forever with our loving Heavenly Father in the Eternal State.
    5. God’s Plan is revealed in the Prophecies that He has given us.  We know that He is coming back for us and will return to defeat Satan once and for all.  There is Hope in knowing this. God provides specific details about this plan for the ages. He will bring humanity back into a right relationship with Him and establish a kingdom on the new earth.  Before that He will rule on this old earth for 10,000 years and this period is called the Millennium, where the lion will lay down with the lamb.  We will dwell on this earth with Jesus Christ in a special time of peace, prosperity, and fellowship.
    6. Prophecy shows Jesus Christ as being God.  He is the Alpha & Omega, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.  He is the third person of the Trinity and is All Powerful, All Knowing, and Omniscient.    We know that God the Father gave up His one and only Son to die for the penalty of our sins so that those whoever places their faith in Jesus Christ may be redeemed and thus made Righteous in Him.   Hence Jesus is our Redeemer & Savior.
    7. Prophecy also explains why Jesus Christ is Worthy.  Over 1000 prophecies describe the 1st and 2nd Coming of the Savior of mankind.  Only through Jesus Christ can the purity of Creation be restored.
    8. As indicated earlier Prophecy shows that evil will be defeated, and that Righteousness will prevail.   We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.  But when Jesus gave up His Life on the Cross, he not only defeated death, but He also defeated sin and Satan’s dominion over us and the earth.  Bible prophecy promises that swift justice is coming. The evil in this world does have an end to it. There is time to be saved.  There is time to decide for Christ and to repent.  God is mercifully providing humanity this short reprieve to return to Him and to grab hold of His gracious offer forgiveness and Mercy. Bible prophecy maps out the timeline for that long-desired day of justice.
    9. God is giving everyone time to turn course and choose Him instead of Self or Satan. Bible prophecy shows God’s grace. Our Creator lets us know what is going to happen ahead of time so that we can get right with Him. If God wanted to, He could just drop the hammer on everybody because we are sinners, and He is not. We all deserve Hell, but God in His mercy has given us a way out. Through His love He grants us the time to prepare and get right with Him.
    10. IN the process He gives us Hope and a future.  The Lord warns us of a coming Tribulation in which many will die, yet many will find a way out by choosing God during this great trial.  The Tribulation and this evil age will end.  Jesus will rapture His Church before the Wrath of God begins, even though many of us will go through tribulations in life. We gain hope knowing that our final destination can be eternity with Jesus Christ – if we choose so.

    God is perfect, and His promises are true. Bible prophecy assures us that God knows exactly what He is doing with our lives and with this world. We can have assurance that He is the Truth and the Light, our Peace, Hope, and Savior.  Read my new book on Prophecy and Hope:  Cosmic Crossroad Countdown; The Invisible War & the Final Chapter.  The first book in the Cosmic Crossroad series came true exactly as promised:  7 out of 7 insights came true including the Invisible agent that would attack us and the New Beginnings at every level of society.

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