Facebook Censorship Posts

We have to count the cost to human life: Obama vs. Trump
It would amount to millions in just abortion alone as Obama stimulated and supported abortion throughout the world through our foreign incentives and policies. Millions more with his total support of Islam vs Christianity in all world affairs and his stimulation of the great Social Media instigated uprisings in North Africa. We are still feeling the results of those upsrisings with chaos and death in Libya and Lebanon and Syria……and innocent people including Christians have suffered the worse.
The subterfuge and lies started years ago with Obama, and all this has prepared a nest for bigger evil to roost. Something beyond odd is happening in our elections and it is not of this world. The occult has occupied the leadership of the BLM and of the Democratic party. The fact is many even bragged about this. Hillary had sceances in the White House. During the 2016 elections they placed hexes on Trump and then called up spirits to harm his leadership at the inauguration (they bragged about it). They are not afraid to worship the spirits of the occult including Satan. All of it is part of the new democratic parties alliance with Marxism, abortion, transgenderism, islam and homosexuality.
All of this supernatural buildup is related to an amazing God’s warning given to us in the book of Revelation. God gave us the “Great Sign” which is symbolic of the opening of a Pandora’s box of Satanic incursion, evil spirits, and demons. This sounds like mumbo jumbo but read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown and you will see that it is entirely Biblical, and given to us in the only book in the Bible that promises blessings to all who read it, hear, or understand it. The Great Sign is revealed in the very center of the book of Revelation for emphasis. The next verses associated to this Sign describe how and why Satan is cast from heaven.
Unfortunately you are being taught by many that Satan is still in heaven since these scholars and pastors believe that every chapter and verse in Revelation is chronological…. so ask them to explain how you can have the demons from the Abysmo that invade the earth in the 5th Trumpet in Chapter 8 if Satan and his demons are still in heaven as stated in Chapter 12. No it is impossible and Yes right now Satan is alive and well with his demons on this earth—the evidence is clear for his devious mischief and lies are everywhere even at the highest levels trying to take over our government.
God is at war with Satan and He is winning at every step and that is why we have seen the selection of a new Chief Justice and why the dirt on Biden was discovered and revealed. Do not fear God will turn up the heat in these next few weeks on the already fearful Biden who is hiding in the darkness of his basement cave. We have been invited to pray and be part of this supreme battle of the ages..

In the Middle East, Trump Protected Christians, While Biden Got Them Killed | The Stream

Branco Cartoon - Cruella de Vil

A symbol of the fall of our Morality, Virtue, and Values and one big reason why God has been active in isolating the church and the Christian- He is purifying us and separating us from our social sins.  Here you see a man in a dress burning the flag…..Revelation 12 is being fulfilled as I type this—but the evidence is in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

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