Read the post prior to this for the important explanation of What’s Happening: the Approaching Completion
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The Lord is about to gather His Church from the four winds of the Earth. This Great Stirring of the Seas will shake the World and Beast will rise up under the bidding of the Dragon. All this will happen as soon as the King of Kings, the Seed of the Woman of Genesis 3:15 has fulfilled the Harvest. He is drawing the nets in and as Promised the number will be perfect. Â
Open your eyes and see; have ears that will hear for the time is drawing nigh. Tell your neighbors and seek the council of the Holy Spirit for the Time, Times Half-a-Time is set. The foreshadowing is almost over and all warnings are nearly exhausted. You have been given a mandate, yet many have chosen comfort, safety, and mammon over sacrifice. Look up before it is too late. The time from the first blood moon on April 15, 2014 happend exactly 3 1/2 years before the Sign of the Woman. Likewise the addition of another 3 1/2 years to Sept. 21-22, 2017 would carry us to a couple of months after the inauguration of the President in 2021. This shadow forms a cross which reminds us of the Shadow of the Cross that reaches out over history as Sign of Salvation.
Gather your thoughts, Be alert and of sound mind so that you can Pray.  Do not be anxious, but by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving. Ask the Lord for vision so that you might see with eyes that see, and hear with ears that hear. Begin by reading the Holy Word of God then allow His appointed servants to explain what is happening. Read the post prior to this one “What’s Happening-the approaching Completion.” at:
Do not let the fallen angel and gods of this age blind you. The church has already allowed the lies of Islam and a pharisaical spirit to distract saints from the Truth and the true Mountain of God.  The world system has blinded many so that they did not heed the warnings of the Sign of the Woman. You still have time but you must move quickly and humble yourself before the Ancient of Days and the Living Word of God.Â
KNOW THIS: Jesus said before all this happens, “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.”  I guarantee that all of you missed the greatest Sign in the sun, moon, and stars since the Bethlehem Star. Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Read the prior post “What’s Happening” to understand what you missed and what you failed to share with your friends, family and congregations.
The passage just quoted refers to what is called the “End Times.” Jesus fore-warns that when “you see Jerusalem surrounded its destruction is near and those in the province of Judea must flee to the mountains.” This would include primarily unbelieving Jews, some of whom see Him and Praise Him with the proclamation- “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Jesus warns that those in Jerusalem must leave it “because these are the days of vengeance to fulfill all those things written.” Jesus then states, “Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” So are we approaching this time? Jerusalem is indeed being trampled by Gentile tourists and Islam on the Temple Mount. People are perplexed by the “roaring and tossing” of the populations on earth; the rebellion and lawlessness is shocking a lot of people. WE also see whole cities of Jews being built on mountain-top locations. Jerusalem has been attacked in recent history by Jordanian armies.
Despite all this most people agree that the Jerusalem prophecy above has not been fulfilled but will happen late in the Great Tribulation. However, note that Jesus says that the Sign in the Sun, Moon, and Stars happens before all of these specific END TIME EVENTS HAPPEN. I believe this is all included in one thought for an important reason: because the Great Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 is a direct warning of these coming events. Other verses in Revelation 12 warn the people to flee Judea and they will flee into the southern wilderness. Is there a prophetic connection here? Revelation 12:13 states, “
When the dragon saw that he had been thrown to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male. The woman was given the wings of an eagle (planes?) so that she could fly from the serpent’s presence to her place in the wilderness, where she was fed for a time, times, a half-a-time. “ Just note that the world system along with poor “christian” teaching such as theistic evolution are confusing your brain and heart
In my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown— I laid down what God showed me about the Great Sign of Rev. 12: First that a door had been opened to a new paradigm and second that because the Great Sign was invisible to the naked eye, it acts as a warning to the world and the church in this present age of invisible forces to come. Why did God need to do this? Because today we do not have prophets like in the time of Hezekiah and the last kings of Judah. Another reason may be because God wants to purify the church before He raptures it. But why is America in focus? We influence the whole world with Hollywood as we glamorize fantasy, horror, gambling, sexual promiscuity, immorality, and aberrant sex. We have also been the major initiators of junk food, junk drinks, and now violent youth demonstrations.Â
We are the home of 1/3 of Jews in the world and we have been a nation blessed by God from the time of our founding fathers to today. Our nation is directly connected to the establishment of Israel through both Truman and Trump. This Sign has parallels to what happened to Israel as it was taken captive by Babylon and to the 70 prophetic years during which time Israel and Daniel were in exile. We have had a modern day 70-year prophetic Generation since the foundation of the nation of Israel in 1947-48. The American Jews are now migrating back to Israel due to the stresses and dicatates put on by anti-Semitism and the covid virus.
These parallels include: “Jews in exile” in America and a repeat of another 70-year prophetic generation; the 50-year Jubilee which ended in Sept. 21st, 2020; the Jewish Festivals with their connection to the Blood moons; the miracle of the Great Sign of Rev. 12; Teshuva (a 40-period of repentance and remembrance); the Great American Eclipse which began Teshuva; and to ISIS and their destruction of Ishtar Gate exactly 400 days prior to the first stage of alignment in planets, moon and stars in preparation for the Great Sign. This 1st stage involved Venus linking with Jupiter in a conjugation as it traveled across the heavenlies and ened up in the “womb of Virgo.”
Will God soon generate persecution of Jewish communities which will motivate them to move in even greater numbers to Israel thus fulfilling the Aleyah (or Return)? In fact many of the shops destroyed in LA were Jewish owned- most had turned off their security alarms etc. to observe the Sabbath from Friday-Saturday. Many Orthodox Jews in New York are very concerned about the behavior of the mayor in regards to limiting their religious practices. I predict that soon we will see an even greater migration of the Hassidic community away from America and to Israel.Â