Revelation Fulfillment:

In my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown— I laid down what God showed me about the Great Sign of Rev. 12: First that a door had been opened to a new paradigm and second that because the Great Sign was invisible to the naked eye, it acts as a warning to America and the church in this present time of invisible forces to come. Why did God need to do this?  Because today we do not have prophets like in the time of Hezekiah and the last kings of Judah.  Another reason may be because God wants to purify the church.  But why America?
We are the home of 1/3 of Jews in the world and we are nation blessed by God from our founding fathers to today….as we were directly connected to the establishment of the nation of Israel through Truman and Trump. 3) this Sign has parallels to what happened to Israel as it was taken captive and its connection to the 70 prophetic years and Daniels prophecies.
4) One of these parallels relates to the Jews in America and a repeat of another 70-year prophetic generation, to the 50-year Jubilee, to the Jewish Festivals and their connection to the Blood moons, the Great Sign of Rev. 12, to Teshuva (a 40-period of repentance and remembrance), and even to the ISIS destruction of Ishtar Gate 400 days earlier (at the time of the first stage of alignment in planets, moon and stars in preparation for the Great Sign). 5) And suggests that God will soon generate persecution of Jewish communities which will motivate them to move to Israel thus fulfilling the Aleyah (or Return). In fact many of the shops destroyed in LA were Jewish owned- most had turned off their security alarms etc. to observe the Sabbath from Friday-Saturday. 6) The KEY message of the Great Sign is that America will be affected by  “invisible” forces and the examples are: The collapse of virtue due to spiritual undermining and rise of gross immoraity; increased Lawlessnes as spoken by Jesus and Paul in 1st Thess 5; widespread destruction by the invisible Covid virus- including the purifying of the church from the idolatry of sports, Hollywood, Broadway and Las Vegas plus the limitations on gambling, strip joints and drinking parlors; and finally the progression of birth pains including major earthquakes and the general rise of psychologic and spiritual problems including Fear, Anxiety, Drug use, Suicide, & Hate.
Now to get technical- and expand on the parallel paradigm: 1) The southern nation of Judah had two major attacks by Babylon—the first which submitted it to Babylonian control and the second which wiped out the city of Jerusalem and took captive the people. The later happened because Judah broke the agreement to submit (an agreement that God told them to abide to and warned them that defiance would lead to severe judgment). The time between the two conquests was 19 years. The last major “conquest” that severly affected the core of American security & prestige was the attack on Sept. 11th, 2001. We are now approaching that 19th year landmark. We are in the midst of both a severe invisible attack–the Covid virus and the beginning of the Great Rebellion spoken of in Matthew 24 by Jesus—lawlessness. The number 19 is the number for the beginning of judgment. Coming up in 2021 is 20 years from 9-11. Twenty is the number of completion and New Beginnings which is the final Meaning of the Great Sign the seventh reason mentioned in the list above.
So as we approach the end of the year we have a perfect triple 20 or the year 20-20 times the beginning of the 20th year;  all of this forbodes greater and greater disruptions, potential destruction and chaos. Another significant number or time span is 3 1/2 years according to the Daniel prophecy, which has great significance in the world of Biblical prophecy.  A countdown from Sept 23rd, 2017, the day that the Great Sign happened, puts the critical time on or near March 23rd, 2021 which is a couple of months after the inauguration of the President. If we go back and count 2 1/2 years from Sept 23rd we discover that it lands right when the Covid virus was being pronounced as a pandemic and when states and cities were declaring lockdowns. As time passes we are seeng more and more challenges to the security and stability of our Great nation,  which appears to be God’s will since it mimics what happened to Judah. Like the nation of Judah we have been corrupted by massive idol worship, weaponized the killing of babies, worshipped the gods of world and the spread of the most evil forms of immorality.  We have persecuted believers in Jesus Christ and have set up a political and media driven system that mocks God and glorifies everything that is wicked.  America has grown blind and now we are in the midst of judgment and the unfolding of the Revelation of the Great Sign of Revelation 12.
What does all this mean?  America is not mentioned in End-Time Prophecy.  Most students of prophecy recognize that America is collapsing from within due forces that often defy logic and common sense, almost as if we are under attack by spiritual forces of darkness and principalities of evil.  We already see these threats coming from overseas in the form of nations such as Iran, North Korea, Russia and China that are intent on world domination.
We are approaching D-Day 2021 or Demon Day.  

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