YOU MAY BE READY but is YOUR PASTOR? -Hear one who is trying to warn you.

This message is a Prelude to the next POST: Are You Ready?

God has tried to warn everyone including the leaders and Pastors of the Church with a noticeably clear Sign called the Great Sign of Revelation 12 which He placed in the center of a book that is bracketed by promised Blessings at both ends. Blessings say that ANYONE WHO READS THE BOOK OUT LOUD OR READS AND UNDERSTANDS THE MESSAGE WILL HAVE A SPECIAL BLESSING. This is also the only book that HAS A WARNING! GOD WANTS US (including all those Pastors and leaders) TO KNOW HOW IMPORTANT IT IS – SO HE WARNS EVEN THE WORLD SYSTEM THAT IF ANYONE TRIES TO CHANGE ITS MESSAGE- THEY WILL BE CURSED.
ONE MUST NOTE: This Spectacular Sign was announced by the Stars, the Divine Festivals, Teshuva (the Time of Repentance), The Jubilee (Time of Return & Restoration) the Solar Eclipse, the alignment of 3 Planets (Mars, Venus and Mercury) that aligned perfectly with Regulus the “royalty star of Leo,” two planets that moved in tandem for many months across the sky bringing Jupiter (the Sign of God’s Authority) into the womb of Virgo for the gestation period of 9 months and 19 days, and the Blood Moons. Was ALL this just a coincidence? One would have to be dull of heart and mind to believe that. This Announcement could easily be as important as the other Great Cosmic Sign: The Bethlehem Star – which Announced the Birth of the Lamb of God who would take away sins.
The Sign incorporates God’s warning from the beginning of time (Gen. 3:15), prophecies in the Old Testament (Joseph’s dream and Joel 2:31 …’The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come) and Promises made by Jesus Christ (Luke 21:25-26 …’And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations).
Why have these anointed leaders failed to see with their eyes and hear with their ears what God has warned about before the coming of the beast and the Day of the Lord? Is it because they have been affected or blinded by the world system? Are they partaking or sympathetic to the idols and lies of the world? Or are they just focused on the coffers, agendas, and popular thought and expectations? They have been spending countless hours in sermon time preaching that the church will not go through any kind of tribulation but will be raptured.   They were given a Great privilege and responsibility to prepare the Church of the Coming of Jesus Christ and now have they failed?  God is thus reaching out to each member of the church in any way that He can.  
God is preparing His Church to be His Bride just as He is allowing Satan to prepare the world-system for the rise of the Anti-Christ. Therefore, the Church is being tried and tested to rid it of the world’s “contamination”. God is allowing the message of Revelation 12 to be revealed in the life of the Church and the world. The rebellion that started a few years back is accelerating and will soon reach massive worldwide proportions. It started off as a Roman 1 type rebellion of the heart against God and His Word.
Will our isolation and food shortages lead to widespread starvation or  a famine of biblical proportions overseas. Famine leads to other plagues and to civil rebellion and mass migrations.  The economic pain will only spread the spirit of the Dragon of Revelation 12 who is eager to make mankind angrier and more vicious. Criminality, immorality and corruption will increase. There will also be “silent invisible” earthquakes underwater that will shake the oceans and the nations. These are part of the birth pains that will have intensified to shake both the believer and unbeliever. The book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown reveals the mystery and message of this Great Sign.
Listen to this Pastor who sees what is happening and listen to the Spirit of God: ……go to track time 23:51

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