Are You Ready?


God’s Message to The Church:  1)  To the Popular Emergent Movement:  So many Prophecy Proponents and Pastors are caught up in the best way to market their Ministry. CD’s, DVD’s, and books keep the dollars flowing. Many run   on promises that are not for them to keep or tow a popular message that feeds expectations. Why? Is it because they are caught in the donation stream and the safe and secure atmosphere of popular Christian culture and dogma? They seem to enjoy swimming in the waters of a feel-good ministry and one that draws applause as coffers are filled. Did Jeremiah follow this calling? Did Isaiah or any of my prophets follow this blind simplicity and lack of commitment?

2) To the Promotional Pastors:  Pastors and Prophecy profiteers why are you teaching your followers to look forward to the world having the Temple on the Temple mount as if it were to be GOD’s Temple? The only animal sacrifices done now are by Satanists. Why should God grace a Temple dedicated to false animal sacrifices? They have not accepted the Lamb of God offered up for All. Why is any Christian ministry so willing to support ultra-orthodox, anti-Christian sects or Rabbis that motivate Jews in Israel to hate God’s children and all the have-not Palestinian Believers that live in Israel? Why do ministries support these religious groups that persecute anyone sharing the Gospel? Why do you accept the demand that any visitor to God’s Holy City not share the Gospel?  Why do you hope that the Dome of Rock will be destroyed? Have you asked yourself why the Dome of the Rock was outlaid with Gold much in the same way that Ezekiel’s Temple will be adorned with Gold? Maybe just maybe God directed it and you have all been wrong all this time.  The Dome may be God’s method to preserve the Temple Mount until the dark shadow that is spreading introduces the Anti-Christ.

God has stopped Christian tourism for a reason–it has become less Of GOD- and more of a cover to make money or UP reputations – again this is Not of God. God’s City, Jerusalem, is for His Glory NOT FOR MAMMON!! NOT FOR IDOLS like the dollar! To allow any Israeli tour agency to tell Christians not to share the Gospel goes against the VERY core of the FAITH AND THE COMMISSION? A friend and strong Messianic Jew named Jacob Damkani is now dying from a blow to the head by one of those ultra-orthodox goons who set out to stop the Mission proclaiming Jesus Christ as Savior.

3 )  To ALL Truth Seeking PASTORS: God is saying do not be a self-serving profiteer. “Why did you miss my Great Sign of Revelation 12 and did your best to stop anyone who tried to make America aware? You know that the Sign is important. Why did you cynically attack anyone who tried to point out other obvious signs that were linked together -the Blood Moons and the Sign of the Sun (America’s Great Solar Eclipse) all given to you years and weeks earlier (each on my special Festival Day and each being a special forerunner of the Great Sign my design to wake you up and GET YOUR ATTENTION)? Your pride, fear and agendas blinded you! Why have you insisted that my Great Sign is not part of the Blessings of Revelation and that it only points back into the past? Like all my Signs it is anchored in the foundation of past promises, AND LIKE MY WORD and the other signs like the rainbow, it points to more storms to come!”

God shut down the worldwide celebration of His Resurrection Day for a reason.  The World-wide church has made it into a circus of pagan rituals, false declarations, and pageantry. God does not want the church to market His message with marshmallow PEEPs – that poison the temple of the Holy Spirit with pure insulin stimulating sugar.  God is not being honored in the way that Glorifies the Sacrifice that He made.  Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth & The Life and NO ONE comes to the Father except by Him.”

God is trying to tell us not to act like the blind leading the blind, for Judgment is Coming! The Corona or Crown virus is just a foreshadowing of judgment to come on all humanity including the church for not seeing what is to be seen and hearing what should be heard. This invisible crown judgment has shaken the world and you too should be shaken. This was not the first invisible attack on the nations since the Great Sign. We have seen a persistant, pernicious and invisible rebellion of the heart spreading in intensity to every segment of society – where even our bathroom rules were amended. The Word speaks of this growing rebellion leading to the Coming of Christ…”that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the lawless one* is revealed, the one destined for destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God.”

God desires that we get on our knees “Confessing and Repenting” for this invisible shadow was clearly forewarned by the Sign and was ignored. God is speaking to us, “if I send pestilence among My People, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. NOW MY EYES WILL BE OPEN AND MY EARS ATTENTIVE TO THE PRAYER OFFERED IN THIS PLACE.”  We have a chance to stop the judgment affecting each layer of society from food production to entertainment, from idol worship to medicine, from the simple baker to the queens and queers of Hollywood and Broadway.   If you study the gods of Egypt this judgment resembles the shadow cast over Egypt as each judgment humbled the nation stage by stage.  

The Church thinks that it will be quickly raptured avoiding any tribulation. This is NOT what God’s Word says. As shown by this pandemic the Church will experience layers of judgment just as His Jewish  remnant saw the judgment come upon Israel and Judah. God will be with you, but you must seek Him with all your heart, mind, and soul and then you will be blessed with eyes that see and ears that hear. The Church will not be taken out until it is purified like dross and grows up through tests and trials.  More “invisible tests” are coming including the rebellion of the heart, earthquakes, deep drought, epidemics, pandemics, and night torments such as terrific winds and many demonic supernatural wiles of the flesh and others from the devil himself. This will groom the world for the One-World Government, Digital ID, Tracking, and the ushering in of the Anti-Christ. 

Here is another example of false teaching in the church that represent lies passed down through seminaries. This must stop or we and they will not be blessed.  God’s Holy Mountain of the Law is not in Egypt.  Why would anyone believe a lie?  Just as evolution has become ingrained in secular schools the false narrative telling where Mt. Sinai is located has been perpetuated in the minds of countless Bible students.  AND SEMINARIES COULD CARE LESS WHETHER A GRADUATE PROMOTES EVOLUTION OR NOT!!!!  THIS IS AN ABOMINATION OF THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMIC SYSTEM.  THEY COULD CARE LESS WHETHER THAT PASTOR KNOWS HOW TO PRACTICE APOLOGICS WHICH IS THE SHARING OF THE GOSPEL IN OPPOSITION TO THE PHILOSOPHIES OF WORLD.  Stop and use what God has given you, a mind to think and tools to see the truth.  God has given us “eyes to see and ears to hear.”  Go to Google Earth and look up the name “Jabal Al Lawz” which is Arabic for the Mountain of the Law.  You will discover the true Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, as named by the descendants of the Midianites.  Who knew better, the European crusader given a map by a nomad, or the wise nomad who gave him the false map?  Why would any local tribe or family share the true location of the Mountain of God with invading crusaders (friendly or not) – no matter the amount of money paid.

Logic question #2:  Why would Pharaoh when pursuing the nation of Israel which had 2-3 million people chose to chase them through a muddy wadis when he could just go around the territory he obviously knew very well and meet them on the other side.  I took military tactics in school which apparently all these rather dumb professors and researchers did not.  And I am not trying to be proud but just respond in frustration considering why no one else has asked these simple questions!!!!

Logic question #3, Where would 2-3 million Jews encamp around their version of Mt. Sinai in Egypt when Google maps clearly shows there is not plateau even big enough to encamp 30,000 people.  The facts are totally 100% against the theory that is based on false Crusader maps and archaeologists from Egypt and Saudi Arabia: two nations that have a lot to gain by lying and deceiving.

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