The Unknown

This message relates to history, the epidemic and my recent book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown which gave a warning concerning the Solar Eclipse with storms to come, and the Sign of an “invisible” attack or warning that would begin to change the world.  The Word “Corona” means crown in Spanish and in science is the ring of light at the point of total eclipse during a Solar Eclipse.  Like a mighty king this virus is having a mighty affect on the kingdoms of earth, striking the weak and often those at the prime of life.  At the same time it is an unknown in science (allegorically it is blotting out the sun) and therefore has humbled both nations and scientists while threatening economies and our present concepts fighting disease. 
Hello World- you may be experiencing the confusion from the unknown-unseen which could make a difference between life and death- and the state of your spirit.
Few will listen to the truth…much like in the time of Jesus and Noah. They cannot nor want to see the signs of the time as expressed clearly in Matt 16:2-3. This is true even of believers and prophecy pretenders who distract the masses as they did in the time of the kings of Israel. So God has given us a “modern-day mystery-sign” to unravel much like He gave parables to his disciples and to the growing church and half-blind world.
At Sinai God told the Jewish nation, “And if after all this you will not obey Me, I will proceed to punish you sevenfold for your sins.” Why is this so significant? One of the many commands God gave them was that they had to forgive all debts and return the land to the original owners every 50 years or at the Jubilee year. Because they failed to honor the Jubilee mandate for 10 times or for 500 years of their nation building, they were taken into captivity as punishment for exactly 7X10 or 70 years.
This is a very good example of why the Jubilee year is significant in Biblical Prophecy and why God allowed Israel to take over Jerusalem (their own reclaimed land- they were the original owners) in the 1967-68 War & restoration – a very special Jubilee year. The next Jubilee year was 2017-18 (in Israel the year always begins at Roshshanna or in that year Sept. 21-22, 2017) This was the year that Trump declared he would make Jerusalem the legal capital of Israel by moving our Embassy there.
All of this seems abstract but from a historical perspective it will make sense if you study past Jubilees. The incredible thing is that there was also a very important Sign that happened to mark this last Jubilee. It was “The Great Sign” of Rev. 12 which occurred on Sept. 23rd as noted by astronomers and explained in the book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown. We KNOW that it happened in a very God-like way and we KNOW that Satan did all he could to counterfeit and hide it. Do you remember Plantet X and Nibiru which were not visible even to telescopes but were to destroy the earth on that day? Well they never existed! Those were lies to distract you from the Truth- exactly what we see today.
Everything including Trump’s victory in 2016, the growing rebellion of the heart, the invisible spiritual attacks on the family and faith, and the invisible enemy that has humbled the world are all part of this sign that we know happened yet was unexpected and unseen- as explained in the book. Why did God purpose this almost invisible sign? That in itself is part of the message that God wants us to know.
What else is real yet unseen? God and the world of the supernatural is completely unseen. God, however, wants us to know HIM …. but the unknown is frightening as we see with this invisible virus. Although invisible, God loves us and is merciful. He wants us to know him in a personal way, yet the world rebels against HIM. Known by some and unknown by most – the battle being fought is unrecognized by the world for it involves dark forces and principalities of evil. This is the epitome of an asymmetrical war being fought for your heart, mind and soul. The answer is to Seek God with all your heart mind and soul and He will meet you there. And Know that Jesus Christ became known for you and to you so that you might recognize God in the flesh as Your Savior. 

One way that God communicates His Love for us is through prophecy.  It is prophecy that gives us hope for He does promise to return and prepare the earth for a “Kingdom on earth” where He will reign.   The Power and Mystery of Prophecy is exhibited in the 350+ prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in his first coming.  Many of these prophecies came from unexpected directions such as Psalm 22.  Who would have guessed that a “song” from David would end up being a key prophecy of the suffering and crucifixion of the Messiah, or that a prophecy of Hosea (11:1-4) would show that the Jewish Messiah would come out of Egypt.  So significant and unexpected is this prophecy that it is repeated by Matthew: This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” (Matthew 2:13-15). 

As stated earlier the Critical Jubilee Year that God established in the Wilderness for the Nation of Israel, and recorded in the book of Leviticus was a measurement of obedience to God’s laws of return, restoration and forgiveness. Because the nation of ancient Israel disobeyed this command for the approximately 500 years of its existence or 10 Jubilees God punished the nation with destruction and exile for a length of 70 years or 7 times 10. This also fulfilled God’s Promise in Leviticus that Israel would suffer 7 times the penalty as a reminder of their gross disobedience. God KEEPS His Promises- Good or Bad, Blessings or Curses.  And He will keep them  all including those related to the world and to those who  do not fear Him nor Receive His Gift of Forgiveness through the Sacrifice He provided:  His own Son – Jesus Christ.

The Jubilee Year was intended as a time for Return and Restoration- a picture of Redemption. Land would be returned to the original owners and all debts would be forgiven. Land would also be left fallow and the people would learn to depend on God for survival. The year was very unique in that it would begin on the Day of Atonement and not on Rosh Hashanah as did every other year. So what would happen to the 10 days between this New Year Day and the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur? Those 10 days were just NOT COUNTED. So every 50 years 10 days would not be counted—this alloted for physical corrections in the rotation of earth around the sun to keep the seasons in tune with the 360 day year and leap years. But it another more significant Spiritual meaning. It would signify that Jubilee was a Very Special Year in which Time was Not Counted Just as it is NOT COUNTED IN HEAVEN. It connected the Jubilee of Restoration & Return to God’s thrown room where time was Not Counted and Where everyone must go for judgment or restoration. Everything Returns to God in the end. All of this is in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown

This 50-year period message should not confuse people. His message simply has a time-capsule attached to it that allows some generations to be impacted more than others. This motivates others to forwarn others and  to teach the Truth.  I believe that even today God is revealing multi-layers of truth including the very fact that both signs and prophecies may be misinterpreted by those in high positions of authority.  These authorities include both pastors and so-called prophecy experts.  Tradition tries to protect its own turf and draws the wagons around cherished concepts.  God, however, is in the business of revelation and transformation and is not stuck in tradition, agendas, budgets, and the status quo.

Usually when God fulfills Prophecy, He shakes the nations and, in the process, He builds new nations.  In other situations, he rebuilds and strengthens a nation as He has recently done with both Israel and America.  Both recovered and grew their economies after the formation of the Jewish nation in 1948. Now we are both in semi-lockdowns and Israel is asking all tourists to leave right before Easter and refusing to let any more enter for the annual celebration.  We are allies in God’s war against evil and we are both at war with an invisible enemy.

Do you think God is also trying to get the attention of both the orthodox and the secular Jew who now have a life-challenging thing in common?  Is this tiny unknown force generating enough uncertainty that people will look to God for answers?  I believe that God is trying to get the attention of every soul and spirit in the World and shaking them by the collar.  He says, “Wake Up! Know me, confess and repent before time runs out….Time-times-half-a-time is approaching- (read the Prophetic Book of Daniel to understand its significance), so get your heart and mind in order and restudy all the prophetic books including Daniel.” 

God most likely wants people to seek Him with all their heart, mind, and soul.  In doing this he allows epidemics like the Spanish Flu of 2018-19 to come at the heal of WWI and infect 1/3 of world’s population. Fifty million of them died making it the deadliest period in history, yet it seems to be just a speck in the memory bank of time.  Only God knows how it affected history.  Maybe it delayed another world war or slowed the world down enough to generate revivals in England and elsewhere. 

God is also motivating people to study the Bible and prophecy as they point others to Him. It is unfortunate that there are some leaders who discourage this study of prophecy thus squelching the power of the Holy Spirit in one’s life.  They do not seem to understand that God grants the believer the gift of prophecy, teaching and evangelism.

The world has gotten too busy and preoccupied with the pursuit of wealth, power, beauty and other vanities that has affected the clergy and leadership. Maybe God has purposed to slow things down with this corona pandemic.  God knows that this isolation experience is teaching us multi-generational living, home schooling or university level online learning that may undermine the power of Academia, and help us cook more,  grow a garden, repair our homes and practice many other crafts, concepts and arts.  Part of the world’s sin was a rebellion of the heart which was sexualizing everything and glorifying the world instead of God. By separating people God is helping them to establish new habits such as book reading and to rethink life for themselves. Each has been given a new start and a new opportunity for change. God will now hold each person accountable.  God is eager to see us get back to the basics, to the family, and to worshipping Him.

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