Signs of the Time

The Lord placed this on my heart to share with you:

“The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom.” Ps. 111:10
The first verse that reached my heart as a new believer was: “Trust in the Lord with all Your Heart and Lean Not on Your Own Understanding; Acknowledge Him in All that you do; and He will make YOUR PATH straight. Be Not Wise in Your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil…..” God was merciful as he led me off smoking, drugs and every kind of bad thinking that one could imagine. He is patient and loves you. However, God warns us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” So, what kind of weather, or storm or contagion must God send to awaken you or awaken a sleeping world to the imminence of His coming judgment?

What seems easy to do: 1) For a company even a Christian radio station to take advertising money from unethical sources or sources that do not live up to their promises 2) For a church to market for “souls” using heavy sugar treats such as marshmallow Easter chicks without regard for anyone’s health. 3) For the average person with convictions to compromise and buy goods from companies that represent opposition to everything one believes in (AT&T who owns CNN or buying from Amazon even though Bezos supports abortion & other very liberal agendas) 4) To play it safe and not stand up for what is right such as the Gospel message and being salt and light to the world. 5) To be sucked in by fear or doubt when trials come. 6) To believe everything you hear even though your logic and common sense (along with Holy Spirit) are trying to tell you it is a lie—for instance the theory of evolution & the “theologians” that say the Book of Revelation is just symbolic. 7) To depend on your experience, failures, and strengths to solve all your problems and not on God and prayer & 8) Let the world system of finances, sex, beauty and comfort consume you with your daily thoughts leaving little time to Glorify God and seek His Heart.

Jeremiah the prophet said, “For thus says the Lord God of Israel to me: ‘Take this wine cup of fury from My hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I sent you, to drink it. And they will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.’ Then I took the cup from the Lord’s hand and made all the nations drink Jer. 25:15-17. Is there a universal insanity among the nations–a love for Iran and Islam- and a catering to the rebellion of Roman’s Chapter 1?

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight” says the Lord. Jeremiah 9:23-24. God is straining the world of its sin and rebellion. Every system that represents the world system is being tested. He has even shut down the tabloid late-night talk shows and the mighty towers to mammon at Las Vegas. The movie industry will lose 11 billion dollars according to the author of “Feeding the Dragon.” Fantasy-lands are hurting too with all theme parks closed and game-shops shut down.

The wisdom of the world is accusatory, cunning, brash, high-minded, and often cynical. God-given wisdom is pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, gentle, full of mercy, reverent, meek and shows faith and a desire to help others. Isaiah warns, “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes”…For this wisdom will perish and bring destruction. Jeremiah warns that God declares that “My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil.” Jer. 4:22.

God hates idol worship, child sacrifice, the unnatural and natural emphasis on sex, the pursuit of money and power, and the destruction of the innocent. Jesus called Satan, the “prince of this world.” The Bible calls him the god of this age who has blinded the unbeliever – but can also blind and discourage the believer.

Is this earth-shaking event a means of testing has come as a foreshadowing of things to come and a preparation for His return? Is it a mistake to think that this is just another biological blimp in history? Is Its timing, its name (corona meaning “crown”), where it came from (China-the dragon nation), the fact that it has severely affected most of earth including Iran the symbolic enemy of Israel, and the truth that it is an invisible force, give us a significant Biblical prophetic message?. Did God give us a warning of this? Did it begin with sign of Revelation 12? Is this why God called me to write Cosmic Crossroad Countdown when I had never written a book before and yet was so inspired and motivated that He had me writing through the night? In processing the information related to the Sign it was my conclusion that God is and was warning us of an “invisible” force or enemy that would affect the earth and America. Is God telling you something? Will you be ready for his return? What if this is just the 1st wave? Do you realize that almost exactly 100 years after the Spanish flu of 1917-18 the Great Sign of the Woman from Rev. 12 occurred? That 1917 flu came in 3 mighty waves of contagion. Are we ready?

Here is what the church needs to know: 1) Israel and the United States are connected in history and in prophecy. 2) The fact that Truman played a key part in Israel becoming a nation in 48 and Trump gave the status of Jerusalem a legal stamp of approval in 2017 – finalizing it in 2018, links us together in a very powerful & prophetic way 3) Israel was not delivered while their nation sat watching the sun rise and set but were delivered from death at the hands of a a pursuing Pharoah. Likewise the church will not be delivered while it sits in front of T.V. wating for the favorite football team to score. 4) God will test the church and the world so that they will have a chance to see their sin and to confess and repent. Evil has been held back, gambling has been shut down even the bingo parlors, bars and strip joints are closed, the fools and the liars are being exposed, the massive arenas for idol worship are closed, Hollywood,fantasy themeparks and computer game parlors are closed, and the big ego tabloid late night shows are quiet. The church did not do this, a tiny invisible force did it! The virus is the smallest of all God’s creations and it has wrecked havoc throughout the world’s powers. 5) Pastors do not want to talk about this. They are not interested in warnings and linking our potential path to the path that Israel had to go through to reach the Promised Land. After Israel was delivered it still had to be cleansed and purified. They were not ready to enter the promised land because of their idol worship and lack of real faith in their God and Savior.
The church will be only be strenghtened as it is guided by God’s hand and tested during a time of tribulation- but not the Great Tribulation. The church will only be “raptured” after this time of testing which was signaled by the Revelation 12:1-4 Sign and message. This is not a popular message for it does not raise money nor draw many sympathetic hearts and minds. But it has to be done. “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown and understand why and how God gave us the “Great Sign” as stated in Revelation.

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