Why the Corona Virus?

If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Jesus also said, “He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” We are being challenged to gather in worship in small groups like the early church. Idol worship is being eliminated….God is trying to grow the church before the rapture.
God is preparing the church for the rapture. This has been a life threatening, budget stretching challenge for many people. Lots of people waste money on sports, gambling, drinking, music that has a bad message, a worthless education, and sensual or fantasy playlands and entertainment including movies. This also includes all the darker vices, horror and witchcraft. Suicide and drug addiction rates are evidence of this evil elixir for the soul. Many people in the church have been contaminated by this spiritual virus and need to be healed and purified like dross in order to develope a True Heart. There has been too much distraction coming from this dark world system that has taken us away from Bible study, worship, prayer and time with the Lord. People would rather watch football or other sport than attend a prayer service, or fail to go to church altogether in order to do Sunday sports.
Why teach our kids to worship sport heroes and a world system of music and the arts? Why send our kids to universities that draw them away from the Truth of the Bible and from a relationship with God? Why do we spend so much time watching secular TV, movies, and theatre? When you need help or seek answers do you go to God? There is as much divorce in the church as outside. Something really BIG is wrong with bad agendas, the self-serving preaching and the marketing in churches. Why do we market the church with sugar & sweets that harm the body? This sounds trite but it is symptomatic of the ignorance of the both the Elders & the Pastor. Why don’t we market God by sharing the Gospel? We are to Glorify God in all that we do.

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