The Great Sign: God’s Warning Continues…

If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Jesus also said, “He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” We are being challenged to gather in worship in small groups like the early church. AS explained in this explanation, Idol worship is being eliminated. Is God trying to grow the church before the rapture?

In the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation, God may have opened a door or vial at the revelation of the “Great Sign of the Woman” on Sept. 23, 2017. The book explains that unlike the Bethlehem star this Great Sign as stated by God is a Supernatural Sign. It is related not to a physical birth but to a birthing or release of Supernatural powers that are affecting the nations may have: 1) intensified rebellion ( a rebellion which is described in Romans 1 as being witchcraft- perversion/ homosexuality/ transgenerism), 2) intensified a false-Christ deception through false teaching and deception cults, 3) intensified a persecution of the saints, 4) and increased the intensity and number of the birth pains related to the fire, earth, air, and water (extreme weather, earthquakes, locust infestation, epidemics and pandemics, and firestorms.)

Is God allowing the testing of the church to strengthen it for a period of seven years which will also act as a foreshadowing of the 7-year tribulation that will commence immediately afterwards? This would be somewhere near 2024. Ironically 2024 will be the year of the Dragon in China. If this is true then I would surmise that this virus will disappear only to reappear months or a few years later.

In Zechariah it is explained that God sends Chariots North and South: the Black and White that go North give rest to God’s Spirit in the North (Northern Hemisphere—which has always benefited more from the mercies of natural continental design & weather and thus more growth and development) and the Grey which goes South. All 3 wander throughout the earth in their respective hemisphere. The Red Horse stays in Israel where war will eventually take place. Are we seeing the fulfillment of this movement of the Spirit – both God’s Spirit and the spiritual powers of darkness preparing the earth for a coming future judgment or the 7th week of Daniel?

CHINA IS A BAD ACTOR and All I can say right now is that if I were China I would be thinking, ” this has been such an easy way to take down America and the world with a simple virus like we did with a SARS epidemic, swine flu and now the perfect Coronavirus”..Yes,” we have taken down the world’s Mightiest country without firing a shot.”

This is what you call asymmetrical Warfare you hit your enemy so abstractly that they don’t have a clue that you intended this all along and you can actually win the hearts and Minds of the victims by buying off the media or by prepping them with lies and material goods …and then the next stage is to literally buy out properties and companies that have been weakened by the asymmetrical War. This is their opportunity to steal more secrets and like a parasite feed off the intellectual property and prosperity until the final kill stroke. China is not stupid.

Our media which thinks it represents the heart of globalization and the unity of all the spirits of the world is willing to attack our own administration at every chance and to support the enemy- China that wants to destroy us… how stupid can the public be if they put up with this strangulation by the tabloid media. CNN, MSNBC etc. are acting as subversive traitors 2 the integrity and survival of our nation.
God help us all and the irony is that God is helping us by allowing the coronavirus to shut down our idol worship in sports, music and Hollywood entertainment… God is also squelching Academia and the liberal school system that is deceiving our children. The corona virus has even trumped the gay pride movement! It has closed down bars, abortion clinics, strip joints, porno studios, and casinos! So God can use natural disasters and even evil intents for His good. We are at the verge of massive new beginnings. This and more is explained in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

Faced with an existential threat, Europeans far from joining together to confront the pandemic as a unified bloc, instinctively are returning to pursuing the national interest. The Liberal Media, Tabloid papers and most EU Leaders, after years of criticizing U.S. President Donald J. Trump for pushing an “America First” policy, are reverting to the very nationalism they have publicly claimed to despise.

Recently, EU member states have closed their borders, banned exports of critical supplies and withheld humanitarian aid. The European Central Bank, the guarantor of the European single currency, has treated with unparalleled disdain the eurozone’s third-largest economy, Italy, in its singular hour of need. The member states worst affected by the pandemic — Italy and Spain — have been left by the other member states to fend for themselves. In fact it looks like we may have to go to their aid. Ironically Italy has already had Russian aid come to its worst area Milan. One huge institution is suggesting that micro-chips be placed in people who have already had the disease in order to monitor them to see if it can still be contagious.

Out of this pandemic may come a charismatic leader-savior who will re-link and solidify the EU. All of this fits into a pattern of the warnings given by Jesus in Matthew chapter 25 which is one of key passages in the Book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown. As stated before I believe that God is trying to get the attention of every soul and spirit in the World and shaking them by the collar. He says, “Wake Up! Know me, confess and repent before time runs out….Time-times-half-a-time is approaching- (read the Prophetic Book of Daniel to understand its significance), so get your heart and mind in order and restudy all the prophetic books including Daniel.” God most likely wants people to seek Him with all their heart, mind, and soul. This message relates to my recent book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown which explains how the 3 most misunderstood books in the Bible (Genesis, Daniel & Revelation) are linked to give us a warning for today. The book explains the importance of the 2017 Solar Eclipse and a much more important Sign that warned us of an “invisible” attack to come.

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