Hidden in Plain Site

The deep state is talked about quite a bit.  But it is much deeper than most of us realize, so deep that the Word of God refers to it as the “secret power”.  It is so effective that it is hiding in plain sight in many of our cherished sites.  We have ex-CIA, FBI, NSA and others who are part of it including its cover up. Many are connected to sinister organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the secret societies of old, the cults, and religions that are backed by the anti-christ.   In fact, the deep-deep state is controlled by Satan and his minions which is called the principality of evil. Note the word principality implies government, power & leadership.

There are many layers to the dark forces that are set up against the Christian church and Jewish government or policy.  These are not just the basic enemies such as China, Russia, and Iran but include a complete network of underground forces connected to these and other sinister enemies of the state.  

These include

  1. Ancient religions such as Hindi and Islam and many of Babylonian extensions
  2. The secret societies: Rosicrucian’s, Rothchild’s, and the various sects, guilds, masons
  3. The cults which include Mormons and JW’s along with Satanism
  4. The violent anti-government movements which include Nazism, Antifa, radical-Socialism and other anarchists.
  5. Social and event philosophies including Farrakhan’s form of Islam, BLM movement, Feminist’s movement, the Burning Man celebrations
  6. The false-christs which include the false church and other anti-Jew borderline churches
  7. Witchcraft and other divine arts

2 Thess. 2:6-8  “And now you know what is holding him (the Anti-Christ) back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.  For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.  And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and by the splendor of his coming.”

Many have heard about the ISIS destruction of the temple to BAAL worship in Palmyra, Syria.  And most know that some enterprising person did 3-D imaging of the Arch before it was destroyed.  That Arch or gate was then reconstructed using 3-D printing and moved to London’s Trafalgar Square.  And it was no coincidence that London at that time was considered the world’s center of banking.  It was said to have opened on the “day of Fire” or Baal fires on St. John’s Eve, which is a relic of ancient Baal worship. The identity between the celebration of the pagan rite of old with children passing through the fire (child sacrifice) and of the modern are is too obvious to be doubted…and the tradition is celebrated in many regions such as Scotland and Norway.  Then it was moved to New York where it again was celebrated by elitists as it was resurrected in a park near to the UN.  What most do not know is that it was next moved to Dubai for the Future Foundation and UNESCO along with a large international business conference. This is no coincidence nor where it was moved to next; for the G8 conference in Florence, Italy.

All of this and much more is happening in plain site yet not reported on for commented on.  So what is happening?  As I reported earlier this is all part of the secret powers that are now free to affect world events as they conjoin with leaders around the world.  The Jezebel spirit has been released and it is affecting even the church as it did in Rev. 2.  God warned us of this shift in Revelation 12, the “Great Sign” that appeared on Sept 28th, 2017 as explained and described in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

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