In Revelation 12:1-4 God gave us a “Great Sign” for a reason. This reason I believe is that He has removed part of His protection—the “wings” so to speak that had been held over our country. I do believe that He is still blessing us, but a “spirit of Jezebel” like that mentioned in Revelation 2, has been released. AS Johnathan Cahn so aptly illustrated in his book The Paradigm, (and in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown in regards to the Wheels of Time) history is repeating itself especially related to the period in time in Israel where Ahab and Jezebel ruled—specifically when Jezebel ruled for 32 years in various forms of power paralleling Hillary. Well this Spirit has come in a greater form as if it was birthed by Hillary and announced by the Sign mentioned:
1) We see abortion celebrated more than every before by a governor and other leaders. It has reached the point of infanticide and partial birth abortion. Child sacrifice was a center-point of Baal worship has been embraced publicly and loudly by many leaders and power brokers.

2) We a rise in witchcraft and the celebration of it politically and in the media: just this last week there was a featured local story of a father who was proud because his 12 yr-old daughter had special spiritual ability in reading palms with a desire to read tarot cards for anyone who wished to pay for the service- like a lemonade stand. This was our local media promoting this!

3) Power and Celebration of Feminism and rebellion against authority has been a big part of this spiritual movement covering both a civil movement and as a sports-power movement. There is rancorous yelling and an emasculation of men over time—-which I believe has helped to seed transgenderism. This has also bred the concept of removing the “he or him” pronouns from the Bible or worship in some churches or denominations.

4) Perversion and Pornography which also celebrate the flesh and destruction of authority, integrity, and virtue in all—-especially men and boys: boys as young as 8 are being exposed to pornography.

5) Increased celebration of horror and fantasy which are all part of this mental brainwashing

6) Revisionism and violent Protest against Christianity/the Police/ Trump are all part of the Rebellion discussed by Jesus in Matthew 24. Antifa is part of this spirit of Jezebel which is trying to undermine the foundation of our nation.

7) Fear among both leaders such as Republican Congressmen and women, and among pastors to stand up against this apostasy. This also happened to Elijah when he fled from Jezebel. We must recognize this for what it is and pray! The Bible says “Be Alert and of Sound Mind so that you can pray!” it does not say so that you can hunker down or run or flee…..no this spirit needs to stopped with the true Spirit of the Lord.

Another good possibility is that this spirit of jezebel is also being released throughout the world, but since America is the new empire designed to push forward Prophecy and the nation of Israel and which is related to both ancient Babylon and Persia- we will feel the spirit moving much more deliberately in politics and into the church.

God is testing us, Amen!

Here is a summary:

The 7 aspects of the Jezebel spirit which has been unleashed in America—the “pandora box” that was forewarned in Revelation 12 – the Sign of the Woman with the mystery revealed in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation.

  1. Witchcraft
  2. The Queen killer who killed her own children and anyone who got in her way—jealousy is the key and we see this rise within families, Congress, and leaders of every kind. Note jealousy was the main sin affecting leaders throughout the Bible: from Cain to Esau, Joseph’s brothers to the many of brothers of Kings in Israel, and from Ishmael to Moses’ sister in the wilderness.
  3. Baal worship and the killing or sacrifice of babies to the point of partial birth abortion and execution outside of the womb= infanticide
  4. The Queen reigning over the King or emasculation of men throughout the country in the form of the feminist movement and the empowerment of transsexuality and homosexuality
  5. Rebellion-Antifa and rejection of all authority: Jezebel rebelled against God and against Judah putting her Canaanite-Phonetician religion above the God of Israel.
  6. Jezebel worship was one of supernatural fertility gods and goddesses including bloodletting which is all reflected in our fantasy-horror movies of blood-sex-and imitation gods.
  7. Finally Fear of Jezebel which is undermining even the Republican Congress, the church and its leaders.

The world watches as the Empire is being threatened from within.  Only Trump or Jehu stood up against this jezebel woman or spirit.  Just as Elijah ran from Jezebel even the church and its leaders are in fear.  Only Jehu who was impetuous, brazen, unpredictable and relentless was able to defeat her.  But the spirit of Jezebel continues as shown in Revelation chapter 2 when Jesus speaks about the spirit affecting the church of Thyatira…a woman Jezebel who teaches and deceives believers to commit sexual immorality and worship idols.   It has now come to America and we are fulfilling the Prophecy of Revelation 12. 

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