Helping you Help yourself

To Those Seeking Good Health at a Reasonable Cost,

Introducing a revealing new book promoting whole body health:  Dentistry Xposed: Protecting You, Your Smile & Your Wallet?

When you read the summary and the quotes I have included, you will understand how important this book is to the general public’s interest.  This is not an attack on dentistry nor any institution.  It does, however, point out in a very diplomatic way some weaknesses in all levels from the government down.  The main objective of the book is to educate the public and forewarn them of the many pitfalls along the way to good health.  For instance, many books sold are promoting Apple Cider Vinegar as a cure-all without warning the public of certain dangers. 

What else does DENTISTRY XPOSED expose?

The Following are direct quotes, and we will begin with the 1st and 2 paragraphs of the book:

 That smile may eventually achieve your dreams, as Louis Armstrong so beautifully sang, “When You’re Smiling the Whole World Smiles with You.”

Dr. Hofmann’s warnings and cautions are from his own research and experience including 43 years as a family dentist. The solutions can be as simple as having the dentist grind down a high spot on a tooth, using the table water at your meal as a quick easy mouth rinse, or chewing xylitol mints or gum three times a day. The message is for everyone including those who have little or no voice in their treatment. For example, a handicapped patient found it convenient to go to a dentist within walking distance of his apartment. He was told he needed very expensive periodontal (gum) surgery with a series of deep cleanings.  In a state of panic, he made an appointment to see Dr. Hofmann.  Over many years the patient had eroded his teeth by over-brushing.  Although his x-rays showed ghost-like spots in those areas, this type of tooth erosion is not a disease and does not require surgery nor any deep cleanings! The deep cleaning or surgery would only have harmed his perfectly healthy gum tissue.  He was extremely grateful to have saved thousands of dollars.

 â€œSilver Diamine Fluoride is another treatment that has had great success overseas.  SDF has been effectively used in countries like Australia for over 5 years to defeat decay in children, but we only recently started research here to allow for its approval by the FDA.  Bolivia and other 3rd world countries have been using it on their children for over 3 years.  Yet few people here are familiar with this tooth-decay-removing chemical that can work without the use of the dreaded needle and drill.”

“Again, you should be asking why we have not heard about the benefits of chewing xylitol gum and mints, or spraying the nose with a xylitol mist?  For some reason “Corporate America” does not use xylitol in major brands of toothpaste and mouth rinse and therefore does little research on it.  In preparing for this book not a single doctor that Dr. Hofmann conversed with knew anything about the power of Xylitol.  This may be explained by the fact that the nurses are more involved in the day to day care of patients whereas doctors acting as overseers can be too distracted to learn from them.

Dr. Hofmann is not surprised by this failure since he made the mistake years ago of buying some spray which he then left unused and unsold in his cabinet.  The logic of using sugar to heal problems caused by sugar does not register easily in one’s mind.  He now labels xylitol a ‘miracle molecule’ and uses it on a regular basis as a mint, chewing gum, and spray.  What is amazing is the way it stimulates the flow of liquids: saliva in the mouth, the dilution of phlegm in the nasal passages, and the softening of stools in the colon.  Research is now showing it decreases the concentration of salts in the airway surface fluids that affect people suffering from cystic fibrosis.  This may expose a danger in excessive use of salts and saline solutions to wash out nasal passages.”

“This is one more reason why the book is called “Dentistry Xposed.”  The more we are exposed to good teaching and the good results that follow, the quicker we will adapt our lifestyles to safe and healthy habits.  Otherwise chronic conditions such as periodontal disease and occlusal wear can accelerate the need for surgery or a major over-haul of the chewing surfaces. The dental chair may not be the place to confuse the patient as we try to sell expensive cosmetic treatments and dental products.”

A Key Part of the Book revolves around the 3 major causes of death that are directly related to the mouth.

“Just because you do not have pain, it doesn’t mean you do not have a serious problem!  Serious periodontal disease and other mouth infections often do not cause any pain, yet they can grow colonies of very bad bacteria producing enzymes which destroy bone and soft tissue.  These enzymes can move into your blood stream and weaken your heart and other organs.….” 

“It is easy for individuals to be misinformed with all the false information flooding the marketplace.  We place a lot of trust in our government, media, education, our own perceptions, and what we learned growing up.  Any or all of these could be wrong at any given time in our lives.  And remember just because it is printed in your favorite magazine or proclaimed on television does not make it true nor good to use in your mouth or body. “

“The second serious problem related to the mouth and common to our pressurized society is Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA.  As you sleep the airway collapses, blocking airflow. The person awakens over-and-over again gasping for air.  In the process the body releases adrenaline which over time can raise the blood pressure.   Eventually it can weaken many organs in the body including the heart.  An estimated 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and 80% of the moderate-to-severe cases will go undiagnosed.” 

“The third life-threatening problem related to the mouth is the inhalation of bacteria infested plaque that collects around teeth in the elderly, weak, or bedridden patient.  These patients are often unable to keep their molars clean and can easily enhale pneumonia causing bacteria in the plaque.  Therefore, some dentists advise removing the back molars.  One good idea is to provide caregivers a specially designed toothbrush with 3 interconnected brush heads to clean every surface at once……. switch to non-sucrose candies such as xylitol mints- which will help cultivate a good saliva.  If they will not do it, you can supply them.” 

Later in the book Dr. Hofmann continues with discussions on Sleep Apnea in adults & children, on cancer of the Pancreas and its connection to periodontal disease, the importance of Good Saliva, and the Sugar Wars.

“Sleep disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA, create cycles of tiredness leading to more and more stress and aggravating insomniac tendencies. Shortness of breath and interrupted breathing will happen right at the point when a person is about to fall asleep.  The brain races and the mind short circuits all attempts to sleep.  The next step downward is ‘SLEEP DEPRIVATION.’  The individual is now becoming more unfocused and unproductive and unable to feel normal.  They may feel like they are sleeping and may even convince themselves that everything is ok, because they cannot remember well, have a lot of adrenaline flow, and are over compensating.  This overcompensation may be in the form of euphoria coming from the use of medications, alcohol, excessive snacking, caffeine, or sex.  All of these will fail and leave the person in a greater state of deprivation.” 

As past head of Dallas Dental Societies Emergency Dental committee, I was exposed to the dark side of the opioid market.  Opioids are now the #1 Rx in America.  He therefore has dedicated a chapter in the book to Opioids, Vaping, and E-Cigs.  I hope that you found this summary informative and necessary for your reading audience.

X-CELLing:  Xtinguishing  misconceptions, lies, fears, and falsehoods while teaching you truths about miracle molecule Xylitol which can move across cell, tissue, and placenta barriers safely to protect and save us from chronic conditions and bad bacteria. As it neutralizes opportunistic bacteria it dislodges them from tissue surfaces in the mouth, ears, and nasal passages. Then it stimulates the osmotic flow of liquids washing them away and in the case of cystic fibrosis these liquids neutralize salts along airway membranes. Amazingly xylitol also decreases ocular pressure preventing glaucoma and research indicates it might help in the war against cancer. Xylitol is the perfect travel companion for it protects from mouth-to-gut neutralizing both bad bacteria and acids while acting as both a probiotic and laxative.”   

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