PART 1 : Related to Signs in the Stars:
Christmas shows how much the God of the Universe Loves us and cares for us. He was born in a manger to die on a cross. âThe cross reaches up and out to everyone. The Christmas Picture we see at the beginning of this era: has the backdrop of the Universe with Angels rejoicing- in the foreground; the baby Jesus lying in the feeding trough amongst the beasts of the field; Mary & Joseph with the lowly shepherds; all bathed by the light of the Stars. This is all interwoven with the message of Christmas today: of the sinless birth, the perfect child, the Virgin Woman, & Joseph her husband.
One Joseph was the child of Jacob -the other a descendant of Judah- both having visions – both delivering Israel towards the Promise landâ¦but Israel falling short in both cases because of sin. In one case a bronze serpent is lifted up in the wilderness and in the next the cross is lifted up for the whole world. Both offer to deliver the believer, with faith a form of death. One from physical death and the other from spiritual death. One pressed the Israelite to look up by faith to acknowledge their sin – and its connection to the serpentâs curse in order to receive a temporary divine healing. Whereas the other, the divine Seed of the Woman, is lifted up as the Perfect Sacrifice to defeat deathâs curse eternally by becoming the curse for us.
Jesus takes the sins of the world and puts them under his authority covering it with his blood. In Him both the curse and death are defeated. It is Godâs Plan of Redemption and both the 1st Coming and the Fulfillment is written in the Stars. In Psalm 157:4, God says, âI have numbered the stars, and have named them.â God would not have named them arbitrarily but would have told a story through them for Adam and Eve to learn from. In the Bethlehem Star I believe the Light (from an exploding star) was apparent for 9 months and may have been so bright that it even appeared at times in daylight. Revelation 12:1-4, now on September 23rd, 2017 the Sign of the Woman revealed how the church will be rescued from the Dragon that awaits to devour it. The church will be raptured and innocence restored along with the âLion of Judahâ on His throne.
The Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 was an invisible sign since the sun blocks all visibility. So why would God announce this sign as “A Great Sign” Revelation 12:1 even though it was not visible? So what else is real yet cannot be seen? Of course we all know that this is true of the supernatural. This Great Sign defines a new beginning in the advancement of the forces of darkness. Likewise there are parallel movements of good and of Prophetic promise- such as the legal declaration by Trump concerning the capital Jerusalem. God says in II Chronicles that Jerusalem is special to Him, for the city carries His Name.
PART 2: Do you remember who was the first disciple to recognize Jesus as King of Israel? It was not Peter nor John. It was Nathaniel responding to Jesus as He revealed an omniscient observation concerning him. It concerned Christ’s knowledge of him before they met. Jesus said he saw him meditating under the Fig Tree. This is also a reflection of the fact that Jesus knows us before we were born. When the disciple heard this amazing revelation he was struck with a Holy surrender and recognition of Jesus as God.
Why the Fig Tree, and is there more meaning to this? Does the Fig Tree have anything to do with what Israel was supposed to represent. It was common for people to congregate and read under a Fig Tree. First note that Jesus was focusing on a tree that he would later use to represent the collapse and corruption of the failed state of leadership in Israel. Israel’s religious leaders were supposed to cover the Jewish people with knowledge of God and an opportunity to learn from Him and worship Him. They could encounter God under the shade and protection of a physical canopy that God provided through the structure of the nation state represented by the Fig Tree.
PART 3: Relating to Chapter on History and Iran:
Expansion on the Iranian concept of the Great Mahdi or 12th Iman. He will reign for 7 years after the defeat of the Jews. He will come on a white horse and will defeat Israel and the âRomansâ otherwise knowns as the Western powers. They believe that Jesus Christ never died even though he was placed on a stake Allah raised him up to sit with him on the throne. In the end Jesus will marry and then die and will be buried with Muhammed. However, prior to this he will return on behest of Allah to be a testimony to Christians that they have the âstoryâ all wrong. The Mahdi will usher in the new world with Jesus instituting Sharia Law.
Part 4:Â Â The Importance of Stellar Signs
God reminds us that He created the Universe and us. After all he alone stretched out the heavens and named the stars! Yet he knows your name and mine. He brought the earth and each of us out of darkness into the light. The moon reflects the light of the sun, just as we can reflect the Light of God to the world. Therefore it is not surprising that He uses Signs outside our limited world to announce His major covenant advances. Not only are these signs pure but they are available to all people to decipher and understand. He places this power sign in the middle of the book of Revelation. This is the only book that begins with a special promise of a blessing to all who read the book aloud or hear it. Amazingly the book ends with another promised blessing to all who read the message in the book and understand it. No other book has even one of these blessings! I think God wants us to realize how really important this invisible sign is!
After the half hour of silence in heaven, Chapter 8 of Revelation, there is a great number of saints seen in heaven. Is this a silence commemorating the arrival of a special group of martyrs or of the raptured saints. Soon to follow are the coming judgments of the 7 Trumpets. God will destroy His creation and bring judgment to those who have defied Him in rebellion and have persecuted the church and martyred the saints. In the midst of these 7 Trumpets there are 3 Woes in contrast to the 3 “Holy-s” in Chapter 4.