The War on the Nature of Man: The World vs. God
This war has become a war against God and is permeating even politics. The youthful brain has been brainwashed by Academia into believing that man is basically good. Ironically many of them ignorantly illustrate this by the accomplishments of men and women of faith! The battle ground has therefore been distorted and manipulated by these sorcerers of material holiness and human goodness. To them the material world is either imbued with a divine beauty and perfection, or it is a sacred right for it to have a happy and perfect existence without manâs footprint. They believe that man was born good and is by nature good unless he or she is deceived by religion or other ideology that centers on Jesus Christ or the Christian church. This should give everyone pause, for we can see how the great delusion will easily fall on mankind. We are already seeing its ugly head rise in American politics and the world arena.
Ironically the philosophy of evolution is a sister myth embed in the school systems throughout the world. Together they undermine the concept of sin and depravity of the human soul. Evolution does not care at all about the spirit and soul of any part of creation, for it centers simply on survival of the fittest. Power, control, and strength are at its core. Therefore work and struggle are stepping stones to survival and the material salvation. This is antithetical to what Jesus said in his very first declaration of his ministry: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mat 11:28-30).
Jesus Christ promises to take the yoke of WORK Mentality off your shoulder and the burden of Performance For Acceptance or Control for survival. He is our Salvation. The purpose for His Sacrifice was to defeat sin. Yes, His mission was to transform us so that we might have His Righteousness. By dying with Christ (in a spiritual sense) we are dying to sin and being reborn in His Righteousness. God is real, Jesus Christ is the Son of God or God Incarnate, and Sin makes us all depraved. We are not born good and we are not good in our own right. Christianity is the only religion where God comes down for you, to be with you and have a relationship with you that brings peace- not a feeling of peace but a deep powerful peace based on Truth.