The infinite God is beyond our understanding. His obscurity and our desire to connect with him, helps us to know our own corruption. In the end we realize that we can only fully know him if something beyond our own mental capacity helps us. It is as if a door to heaven must open, a door connected to our heart. He purposefully conceals divine truth from us so that we will struggle with our own limitations and sin. He did this in the mystery of prophecy, the power of His Word, in signs given us through history, and in his teaching of parables and other lessons.
The answers lie in His radical invasion of earth in finite time. The Word of God says that at a perfect moment in time, He came to us in human form. He came to remove barriers of time, space, matter, and energy. The all- Powerful God which no man can see and live, became divine flesh for us, so that we could see, touch, and learn from Him. He came so that we might have life in its fullest through faith in Him. He came so that we could have an eternal relationship with Him.
By simply trusting in His name and His resurrection we are delivered from darkness, sin, and that great obscurity. He will transform anyone who repents and turns to him. Once you do, you will not fully understand, but you will know him in a very profound way. Light reveals truth, and things that we cannot fully comprehend in our heart and mind will make sense over time. This growth in knowledge and wisdom is called sanctification.
Our relationship to Him is often compared to a marriage, for as in a marriage, it takes the test of time with both experience and trials to incubate a mature love that deepens the marital bonds. The minute you accept Him as your Savior, your sins are forgiven and you are made righteous in Him. The relationship is sealed, but as in every relationship the real adventure is discovering the wonders beyond our own little world. As new creations in Christ we are like born-again babies learning the newness of His creation and His Truth.