The MESSAGE  of the video above is made VERY clear in the way that it is presented; the subject is like a black sore that smells and hurts—-you would know that it was bad and needed to be treated and removed.  WATCH IT FIRST!

However, this is the point of my book-  This is an OBVIOUS problem, yet we who are well educated “Westerners” and the majority of educated people worldwide (magicians will say that the educated are the most easy to fool) ARE OBLIVIOUS to the TRUE FACTS that stare them in the face.  And if we do see and understand the facts or Truth, we cannot understand why others cannot see them. Why is this Twilight Zone seem so real?  Is it supernatural?  How can people be so stupid or blind?  Well, let us look at another less dangerous subject so that we can understand how illogical the human mind can be – when it is properly brainwashed, and thinks it is so right.
1) We know that we cannot get something from nothing- right?
2) We know that from disorder comes disorder and not order- right?
3) We know that language cannot self-germinate or evolve out of thin air,- ie mixing an alphabet soup for 10 million years and have it spell out even one logical thought or sequence of sentences that have meaning- right?  And if you think so – remember that each letter has a certain shape that is designed to fit onto the other (like a 3-D puzzle) with exact multi-dimensional features.  Each has to have the right co-valence in order to function and produce an enzyme (which are organized amino acids – the basic foundation of life).  We know that amino acids produced in a test tube DO NOT FORM SENTENCES that allow for life because of well tested fact that they form right handed and left handed amino acids in almost even amounts that do not allow for life.  Life is mostly composed of left-handed amino acids and most poisons to humans are made of right-handed amino acids.
4) We know that despite over 100 years of advanced medicine, technology, lab studies, and microscopic evaluation and research- WE CANNOT CREATE LIFE!!! Yet we expect to believe that life happened spontaneously!?!  Are we really that dense and brainwashed that we cannot think for ourselves, and let reason and logic win?
5) We should know that if there was a big bang the earth would have been a ball of fire – so where did it get the 352 billion trillion gallons of water come from – when water is extremely rare or non-existent elsewhere. In other words explain to me how a ball of fire becomes a ball of water spontaneously.  The “experts” claim that comets brought the water to earth?  REALLY – it is much, much easier to believe that Islam is a religion of peace. 
Yet, you want to believe this absurd logic because it fits your mental picture of truth that excludes God. I hate to say this, but Islam may be closer to the Truth than you are!  They do believe that God created the universe and they do trust in their god so much that they prostrate themselves and surrender to him. You instead trust only in what you know or have been told- which could be a total lie.
You trust in what others have told you without thinking it out!  You just accept it as truth because you were told it was true!  OR, You could care less since your way of thinking and living puts you on the throne allowing you to do whatever you want!  YES my friend that is why we have stupidity reigning in the world – and why we need great leaders to lead us out of the shadow of darkness into the light!!!!!!! And MOST of all that is why we need to turn to GOD and to the God that created us – for only He knows exactly what lies in the future- what His purpose is for you and your “enemies” !   Mistakes and failures  will happen- due to our blindness and lack of attention to HIS WARNINGS AND SIGNS because -we fail to trust in Him. Like lost sheep we end up only trusting in our own fallible minds and desires.  God saw the need for great leaders for they were the ones who sought Him and listened to him. He was able to work miracles through them and to in time was able to fulfill the promises that He made for the world.
One of the biggest promises not yet fulfilled is the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.  Daniel’s interpretation of the vision of Chapter 2 in Daniel lays out the history of key Empires affecting Israel.  The first 3 are explained to Daniel by the angel.  They are Babylon, Persia, and Greece.  The rest are not, and it is up to us to discern what the upper and lower legs mean with the feet and toes.  There are many interpretations, but none that I have read seem to fit perfectly.  Here is my interpretation, which is a combination of the Roman and the Caliphate-Turkey concept.  This concept incorporates the history described in the previous post related to the “Throne of Satan” that is described in Revelation 2 .  This throne was reconstructed by the Germans and became Hitler’s model for his podium from which he created the “Cathedral of Lights” and promoted his “Torch parades” that  attacked the Jewish businesses and homes.  The Throne of Satan still rests in Berlin and is directly related to “burnt offerings” dating back to BAAL worship and forward to the Holocaust.  This ties Germany, a member of the Holy Roman Empire, to Turkey and the Ottoman Empire.  It is important to note that the Grand Mufti of Turkey was one of Hitler’s confidants, who many believe motivated Hitler to kill the Jewish people.
I believe that the upper portion of the legs do represent the Roman Empire which blends into this “Caliphate” of Turkey and other Islamic nations.  This would better fit the idea of the “beast with Iron Teeth.”  To suggest that the Byzantine Empire (which was Christian) could be one leg of  the vision of the Giant and thus part of the beast with iron teeth, makes no sense at all.  The Byzantine Empire probably recognized the evil of this “throne” and were the ones who dismantled it and used the “bricks” to make walls for other buildings and for fences.  So what we see is the upper legs representing the Roman Empire in the time of Jesus and up to the Hadrian dispersion and Domitian’s persecution of Christians.  Just as in past prophecies there is no clear chronology of time.  Like mountains in a panorama we do not see the valleys in-between.  Likewise the next “Empire” represented is the Ottoman Empire which had sharp, iron teeth and like the Early Roman Empire persecuted the Jews harshly.   The Roman-Ottoman-German Empire makes up the two legs and each of these “levels or legs” heavily persecuted the Jews and used them as “burnt offerings” to the Throne of Satan.
The feet and 10 toes will be the nation or nations that lift up the Anti-Christ to power.  They will be connected to the “Throne of Satan” in some dynamic, and will seek to destroy Israel and both Jews and Christians.

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