Interlude with Death and New Beginnings

Death is the end of the line to those who do not know the LORD.  Likewise the RETURN of Jesus Christ sets the “World’s Clock” to “Apocalypse Time” or the “Hour of Judgment” where all the tribes and nations will be judged.  This will not be a time of national rejoicing!  No nation will be spared and no individual on earth at that time will escape Judgment.  The Word of God says that the “nations will mourn” and the leaders and kings will cower in caves.  Jesus Christ will defeat the forces of the Anti-Christ and other converging armies.  He will then usher in the Kingdom of God and will rule for 1000 years from Jerusalem in a New Beginning  called the Millennium.

I had an interlude with the shadow of death this weekend.  As I was about to serve a tennis ball to a friend, I asked if he was ready.  He said “No,” then went down on his knees and fell over. I ran over and found that he was not breathing nor had a pulse….so I started CPR and went on for 15 minutes because no one else wanted to help! The ambulance got lost even though one of our big hospitals was only about a 15 minute walking distance away!  I was doing solo with 2 breaths and 30 compressions and did get a pulse, but the pulse was weak and  continued for only a few seconds.  I pray that he had time to accept Jesus as I was pumping his blood and breathing the breath of life into his lungs! We had discussed forgiveness and salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in years past?

So what does this have to do with new beginnings?  God uses the “seed” to represent both death and new life.  In order for the seed to bring life, it must die.  Each time God culled or purged his people for their rebellion and sin, He would bring new life to his nation.  A select group would go through trials and tests as they entered into a new Promise.  The new year in both the Jewish and Gregorian calendars end with the number 8 which in the Hebrew Gematra means “new beginnings.”  Are we entering into a new paradigm where both “worlds” will be  tested as God’s Promise is fulfilled?

We just saw the end of the Jubilee year of 5777 and now we begin a new set of 7 sevens or 49 years.  And so begins a new 7 year Shemitah period.  We are seeing all the important generational periods converge on this Jewish year of 5778, implying that a whole new set of generational periods are about to begin.  Even the Cosmic Signs imply a new beginning: both the Solar Eclipse and the “great sign of the Woman and Child of Revelation 12.”  The Solar Eclipse generated fear in ancient civilizations because it often forebode a new calamity of some kind.  In our case we had 3 major hurricanes within 3 weeks time.  The Houston hurricane broke all records for rainfall and the Puerto Rico storm was probably one of the most destructive per acre of any hurricane.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4 is not visible and hence, it is a supernatural sign indicating a new phase in the supernatural realm promised by God as described in the 2nd paragraph of Revelation 12.  Just as Satan was once “glorious” then fell from grace, mighty men and women are going through a rise and fall before our eyes. Many of those  are in Hollywood, Congress, leaders of the world and in the media.  God is actively unveiling His Plans and fulfilling all His Promises.

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