“Returns” – Answered Prophecy & the New Printing of COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN

Concerning the Signs that God gave us around the Jewish New Year that ended the Jubilee year of 5777, God impressed me to write the following passage: “Remember also that the year that we are in is a Jubilee year and so the focus has been on ‘Returns.’ Maybe something surprising is returned from one party to another such as land. Maybe it is a return to God or God’s return to man?“  The festivals and times of repentance that God designed for the Jewish nation are prophetic.  They coincided with both a spectacular American Solar Eclipse and the “Great Sign of the Woman” of Revelation 12.

My book was written prior to August. When I wrote about the “returns” I was relating it to both Teshuva and Jubilee.  Teshuva was the 40-day period leading up to Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement when all were called to return to God and repent for their sins.  Jubilee which comes every 50 years celebrates the return of land to original owners and the return of debts.  The “surprise” aspect of the “Returns” relates to God’s intervention in our timeline and His desire to draw the world to Him as he honors Truth, the humble in heart, and the poor in Spirit.

The return of Jerusalem as capital of Israel or Trump’s recognition of God’s city as the true capital of Israel was a surprise to many.  Our nation’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital is very significant since we are the “power brokers” of the modern age. It is indeed a return to the Truth and to Reality. This is what God wants of nations and people.  And it joins our history and interests to that of the nation of Israel!  Many people do not realize this but on our “Liberty Bell” are inscribed words related to the “Jubilee,” from Lev.25:10.  Just another reminder that God owns it all and that should honor Him in all that we own.

Happy New Year to Everyone!  My book is now in it’s 2nd Printing along with   some new information.  Although I did not mention this specific instance, here is a story related to the apostasy of the church:  there was a Kairos Conference that many followers of Kenneth Copeland went to.  There were other speakers including many in the Catholic faith.  What saddened me was to hear Kenneth declare that the Protestant Reformation was one of the greatest spiritual sins of all time and that it was racist.  Copeland also clearly states that the Reformation was of the Devil since it caused disunity and strife!  Look this up on “YouTube” and you will find the complete video (one video is called “Something Big is Going to Happen in 2018”).  What is sad is that Kenneth claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit , yet he is the one causing major strife and claiming a lie.

The Protestant Reformation brought the Bible to the common man and ended the tyranny of the Popes including indulgences.  William Tyndale and many other great scholars were put to the stake for printing the English Bible and making it available to the common man.  This is just another sign of the End Times and the encroachment of the Anti-Christ Spirit as it seeds the nations with lies and the counterfeit religion.

God will supply us with our every need.  “Give and it will given unto you,” is what God promises us.  Faith is believing what God has promised to do and acting accordingly. In this New Year, God is calling us to live by faith no matter the trial or test. Are you ready? Are you willing to Trust in God and His Word? Are you willing to put God before your own misconceptions, your idols, your fears, your desires, and your own mind and will? God says my thoughts and my ways are not your thoughts – they are beyond what the world knows; they are as far apart as heaven is from earth.  Are you willing to realize that “dark matter” and “junk DNA” are man’s lies to explain away God’s Creation, and that there is only one Way, one Truth, and one Life and that is in Jesus Christ?  To live by faith is to know God, and to know God is to read and study His Word, then listen to His voice.  As believers we should return to God all that is His and seek His kingdom and rewards on this earth.

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