Cosmic Crossroad- The Christmas Message and Connection

After writing Christmas letters for over 35 years, it seems that the message has lost its impact on the busy, ever hurried, self-fulfilled mind. Even though we can sense the supernatural (“eternity is written in the heart”) few want to acknowledge the benevolent Person of God behind it. As the heart longs for divine justice, identity, and purpose, the self-will seeks its own center in the Universe of existence. The Truth is, without God we are NOT the center of any anything good – and if we think we are, then we are merely fools in the grand delusion of materialism.

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN -The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation: Presents a wide perspective on what may be called a “New Paradigm” in History. Our nation & world stand at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats and challenges. Time seems to be speeding up, compressed with bizarre and extreme events, and disturbed by irrational behavior. The dishonorable, the Perverse, and the Lie, are being raised up (as were the Gates of Baal in N.Y.) while the True and Honorable are pushed down. Eternal things—eternal redemption, salvation, inheritance, and glory—are of infinitely greater value than the temporal things crowding our minds and limiting our perception.  Read the book and learn more about God’s footprints on our time-line.  We are at a Cosmic Crossroad in time – so Merry Christmas as the Countdown continues.

Truth declares, “All treasures of wisdom & knowledge are found in Him,” as Jesus Christ beckons, “Learn from me for I am meek & humble in heart.”  God has left divine footprints on our time-line dating back to the beginning of time with clues & Signs that explain the present and reveal the future. These “Wheels in Time” illustrate events that parallel our time with great moments in history such as the time of Daniel the prophet, and Jesus Christ. This includes: The Fig Tree Prophecy spoken by Jesus concerning a “Last Generation,” the “Cosmic Crossroad” and historic generational periods, a “LOST TIME” instituted by God, and a mysterious “Cross in the Wilderness.” We are witnessing a social shaking and reversal of fortunes with surprise returns! God is exposing Lies & Sin.

“Grace” wants to take hold of us and point us to the obvious Gift wrapped in God’s Mercy. God is trying to get our attention, while we still have time. You see, this is not only the year of surprise returns, but is also the year of remembrance! This year we remember the following:  1) 500 years ago the Luther’s “95 Thesis” was nailed to the door in Wittenberg- resulting in a revolution in mind, soul, nation, and world. 2) Also 500 years ago the Ottoman Empire took control of Jerusalem, but what we celebrated this year was its release exactly 400 years later in 1917 with the signing of the Balfour Agreement, (after the British and Allies defeated Germany and the Turks), 3) 70 years ago the “budding of the fig tree” occurred with the establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48, 4) 50 years ago the city of Jerusalem was “Reunited” in the 6-Day war of 1967. 5) 2000 ago years, Jesus Christ now a man of about 20 years of age would celebrate the Jubilee year. We are now at the 40th Jubilee – a time of complete testing. Does a new beginning await us?

This brings us back to His Mercy. God was Merciful to Adam & Eve when he Promised the “seed” of the Woman would defeat the “serpent.” God was merciful to Abraham, declaring him righteous based on faith alone. God was Merciful to Noah & family, to Abraham’s descendants, and countless others when He interceded for them. Throughout history God wrapped His Love and Mercy around people of Faith. Why is it that the human mind (Jewish, Islamic and Gentile) cannot comprehend the simplicity of God’s unmitigated Mercy when magnified & personified by Grace through faith in God’s Promised Messiah, Jesus Christ? Is it that we are too dependent on self or on Justice meant out by Law and works?  Does it take a “wilderness experience” to humble us enough to see His Grace?  It would make total sense that God would do away with the slaughter of “innocent” animals and the old way of doing things – when those strict methods led exactly to what Moses warned about – the worship of idols and rebellion against God! God Fulfilled the Law with His Gift of Grace?

God, in His Sovereign Mercy, came in the flesh (fully man, yet fully God) to die as the ultimate Sacrifice for our Sins. Jesus Christ is our Propitiation- He alone took God’s full wrath for our sins. When the Spirit of God is sealed in us we become a spiritual temple. Having a deep desire to know God’s Word is a good sign that you are His Temple. Jesus speaks directly to us through the Spirit of Truth when He says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all.”

This has been a year of surprise returns for me! I went to South Africa thinking that I was going to go white shark diving, and was told that the Orcas had chased the sharks away. That very day, I was almost “bushwhacked” by 5 men.  But, what Satan meant for evil God used for good. A bedraggled man named “Goodman”, who witnessed the event asked, “how did you get away?” I said, “God delivered me, and he will deliver you to if you desire?” He then accepted Jesus as his Savior. This began my “Pilgrim’s Progress” through South Africa & Namibia. The next surprise was our trip to witness the Great American Solar Eclipse. My focus was to take photos of the Eclipse, and it ended with a fun experience without good photos. The highlight ended up being the class at Billy Graham’s Cove and their Library in Charlotte.

To those who still want to hold on to the philosophies of the world despite receiving the Gift of Salvation.  How can Jesus claim authority over heaven and earth and forgive sins, if He is not the Creator of what is, and has been, and is yet to come?  Not accepting the God of Creation is rejecting the authority of the Word of God and the Truth. Ignorance is no excuse, time has moved us forward, and the Word is there for all to read and know.  Now is the time to change and act for the sake of the Gospel, the family, nation, and the Lost.


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