The Beginning of the End?

One of the main purposes of my new book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN is to show that God loves us and is in control – just as He has been in control throughout history -evidenced in both the Old and New Testaments and in rise and fall of nations.   He is real and alive today seeking a personal relationship with us. He has a time table and He is in total control of it.  Because we are nearing the end-time, Time appears to be speeding up and feels compressed from our viewpoint. We see things as being exaggerated or illogical – with many instances of extreme weather, 100-year-record earthquakes, fire storms, wind storms, hail storms, solar flares and abnormal behavior of every kind and scope.

We know that God has ordained the End Times, but He has also ordained the means to the end. Now the question is what are you going to do?   What motivated me to write this book was heart knowledge that God gave me while sharing the Gospel at our mission at White Rock Lake in Dallas – the Fig Tree parable given by Jesus concerning the Last Generation- has a key to unlock the mystery. That key opened up my understanding of the Cosmic Crossroad which has 4 arms: each arm is based on Truth- one relates to the Fig Tree lessons by Jesus and so I therefore go into great detail discussing both the Old and New Testament message related to the “Fig Tree” including the budding, and the ripening of the fruit on the Fig tree.

The next “arm” is the Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars – with a discussion on the Bethlehem Star and its parallel to the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the promise in Genesis 3:15. The 3rd arm incorporates the Testimonies of Current events & history, Prophets and  Apostles,  Jerusalem and the Word. The 4th arm includes the 50-year Jubilee, the Prophetic generations, and important the 40, 70, 100, 400, 500, & 1000 generational periods. All of these have correlating Signs from the past and  converge in “wheels of time”  on God’s eternal time-line.

Many of you may have tried to do a review for my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN – The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation on Barnes and Noble and could not because you did not put in the subtitle. It will NOT discover the book under the SEARCH unless you also included the subtitle! On Amazon however it is the opposite- you can find it easier with just the title! I absolutely have to have these reviews in at AMAZON by today in order to have my application approved. The review process only takes 5 minutes and only requires that you write a short sentence, if I do not have 6 more reviews by this morning they could throw out my application. The fact is I did not receive a single review from any of you on Barnes & Noble at the last request…..and this may have been because of the sub-title issue.

After receiving a “vivid dream” from a friend and my own sleepless night I am motivated to share this possible scenario:  San Francisco, Seattle, or Los Angeles SHOULD BE on Alert! North Korea could be sending a submarine tender disguised as a fishing boat across the Pacific. The pair will seek to enter a harbor in the early morning haze or at night without running lights, and if detected will attempt to sink any ship that threatens the nuclear mother-load on-board the tender. As long as they feel they can get close enough they will detonate to eliminate evidence.  They are dumb enough to think that without evidence they will get away with it- that the world is too divided and that America will not act.

If they can enter the harbor without detection they may then turn on the “party lights” and head for the center of the bay, in the case of San Francisco they will head for the Oakland Bay bridge. On-board is their “test” hydrogen/ atomic bomb that they hope will detonate eliminating all evidence of their existence. The submarine offers an escape for the nefarious, suicidal, night stalkers on-board. Be Alert !  This runs like a fiction story, but knowing the fanaticism of North Korea a surprise like this may be in order.

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