Do you Want to See God?

The Bible is the Word of God. It is Living and Active and like a two edged sword it can pierce your heart and your mind, the natural and the supernatural.  It has the power to tear down walls and transform hearts and minds.  Jesus Christ said, “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, because they will see God.”

Colleges and Universities do all they can to take the individual away from the Living Word of God and draw them into a kingdom created and designed by man.  Man becomes the center of the Universe and his contrived theories say that everything was created by an accidental Big Bang and that through billions of miracles of accidental cellular changes a recreated DNA strand of information regenerated new information billions and trillions of times over.  That is like saying the Library of Congress recreated itself over and over again improving its shelves of books over time!  The evolutionist demands that water came from nowhere, saturating an earth that was a ball of fire, becoming a soup of life generating molecules, that were then energized into forming molecules of life.

The problem is lab experiments show that all molecular structures formed from such a power soup would have only left handed amino acids. Life requires equal amounts of left and right handed amino acids.  Likewise enzymes that would form from amino acids would have to have very specific functions from the moment of creation- yet  it takes millions of enzymes working together to create life and each of these amino acids are so unique that they cannot be altered.  It has been shown that any attempt to alter enzymes degrades them to the point of denaturing them.  They will not only not function, but will become a poison to the rest of the tissue or organ function. Evolution is a lie and is impossible.  What we experience in “species” change today is not evolution, it is natural adaptation or natural selection.  This process utilizes the power of the DNA allowing us to “breed selective combinations of genes” with characteristics that we demand as humans or which the environment demands for survival.

The Bible is a crossroad of the Supernatural with the natural.  To many it seems purely abstract and they cannot comprehend its power.  For instance the verse, “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray,” seems totally illogical to the natural mind.  Surely we need to be alert, but not to pray; first we should hide or run or do our best to work out an answer or a solution.  Another example is: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  What is this mumbo-jumbo about things not seen and hoped for? We can have faith in the plane that flies, but what does this have to do with the supernatural- why is that faith? This is one good reason why the Bible is discarded even by those who claim to be Christians yet do not immerse their lives in seeking and knowing Jesus Christ. True faith that changes and transforms requires the supernatural.

So Do You Want to See God?  Take that supernatural step of Faith and ask God into your life.  It is that simple, just ask Him to “Come into my life. Thank you for loving me, I know that I have failed you in many ways.  I am trusting in what Jesus did for me in paying for my sin.  I wish to make you Lord of my Life and ask that you help me understand your Word.”  Then go to the Bible and start reading, and “yes,” pray before and after you read!  As stated earlier, “Be Alert and of Sound Mind, so that you can Pray!” Prayer is that important!

There are a lot of good books to read to help you in your walk including Billy Graham’s books on Angels, the classic “Pilgrim’s Progress” or “On Hind’s Feet.” Other great books include those by Greg Laurie, Lee Strobel, and Apologetics books by Dr. Henry Morris.  My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation will give you a grounding on some Apologetics (or defense of the faith), some Eschatology (the study of Prophecy from the Bible),  some Christology (study of who Jesus Christ is – for instance He is God and was not created), some History (which is important since God has orchestrated much of the important turning points in history), and some very important events in the Word- including Israels 40-year wandering in the wilderness,  the Signs in the stars announcing the birth of Christ,  and the testimonies or messages from  Peter, Paul, John, and Prophets such as Jeremiah, Zachariah, Daniel, and Joel.  One of the most important revelations relates to where Mt. Sinai is.  I can tell you without any hesitation that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia (note both Elijah and Paul said that they went to Arabia to have fellowship with God).   Most important this book has a deep study in the Fig Tree lessons that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples and with us (for they relate to our day and age)!

The Book also discusses much of what authors like Jonathan Cahn discuss in their books on Eschatology.  There is an extensive discussion on why generational periods of 40, 50, 70, and 100 are important to the study of God’s footprints in history and to his Promise for us.  If you wish to read an excerpt of this book read one of the posts below that have a summary, an addition, or just a discussion.  God Bless you in your walk with Christ and ToGodBtheGlory.

Here is a very quick summary of the book:   The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.

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