The KEY to prophecy as Given by Jesus Christ himself: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN

God says to you and me, “As high as heaven is over the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways; and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” God purposes trials and disasters for our sake in order to draw us and others to Him. We have witnessed an all out effort by certain people to divide America and cause social turmoil. What we have seen with hurricane Harvey is a very diverse group of people working together to help each other saving lives and property. Now we need to pray that the Zeka virus and other diseases do not gain a foothold in the aftermath.

God says, do you want platitudes and pats on the back, or do you want the Truth? When we do not show our children and our neighbors the Glory of God in our lives and in their lives, it is like taking them to a “Rocky Mountain high experience” then locking them up in a hall of mirrors. God says to us, “Call to me and I show you great and mighty things that you do not know.”

One of those Great and Mighty things that Jesus told the disciples and wants us to know concerns the End Times and His discourse on the Mount of Olives just before giving up his life for us. In Matthew 24 Jesus gives a detailed discourse on the End Times, the Abomination of Desolation, and His Second Coming. Jesus explains that a special “Last Generation” (which he describes in relation to the ripening of the summer fig), will not pass away until all these end time events have taken place. So what is the key to this knowledge and puzzling fig tree parable? My book the COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN reveals the answer, and explains how Jesus gave us clues in previous “fig tree discourses” to unlock the Truth.

The Fig Tree prophecy is what motivated me to write the book.  Then God showed me how the 4 arms of the “Crossroad”  intersect with our period of time.  This is not a popular subject since there has been so much error in the past.  This, however, is the real deal, promised by Jesus Christ himself on the Mount of Olives. This is why the Holy Spirit compelled me to research the information and write the book as quickly as possible.   Since the date of publishing this is what has happened: 1) Concerning the Solar Eclipse I wrote: “Is this a warning to a secularized America; to the compromised Jew, the weak church, and an overconfident community of Godless, technology and science dependent agnostics? Is this the beginning of judgment and will a massive storm or earthquake hit America soon?”   2)  Two weeks ago as an explanation to future storms I wrote that “the mother of hurricanes is headed to Florida.”  I am now praying for my brother and others who live in low lying areas of Florida.

“Harvey” means “branding Iron” and was a phrase used to show God’s desire that we be slaves to God and not slaves to the world system. Note that Harvey hit “Corpus Christi” which means “body of Christ” which is the church. The Solar Eclipse happened on Aug 21 and the “storm” happened on the 25th….and when you read Luke 21:25 you have, “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and waves.”   God has ordered the events that we are seeing.  Here is an excerpt from my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN:   “Just as He has named the stars, God has also given purpose to years, dates, and numbers. Everything He has done, is doing, and will do has order and a purpose! God wants us to understand what is going on in around us, so that we do not panic when trials begin! As you contemplate what this may mean to you, pray and read the four Gospels in the Bible. Read the questions and the testimonies and the detailed extra explanations that are at the end” of my book.  The events that we are seeing are “testimonies” to God’s purpose in fulfilling prophecy.

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