My 4 Old & New Art Pieces: A Stained Glass Window & Mixed Media Acrylic with Spray Paint

The first piece is a stained glass window of Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea – a 4 1/2 by 2 3/4 ft. stained glass window done with flowing glass paint. So just like a good poem one needs balance and Flow to convey a strong story so that the mind and the eye can follow along easily.  The flow adds to the movement of water and the Power of God as Moses parts the Red Sea as the sun rises in the East! This stained glass painting was started over a year ago and was put in “mothballs” due to my lack of interest in finishing a piece that seemed too mechanical.  However, after doing a study in both Ezra and Nehemiah I was inspired to resurrect the project and remove parts of the paint that were hindering the flow!  So sfter much scrapping, I let the Holy Spirit guide me in the laying down of the new design with multiple layers of glass paint.  Note that in all my “paintings” (some of which are explained in other blog posts) I do not plan out a sketch, but instead allow the Holy Spirit to lead me! I did initially sketch out some basic outlines and that was  what got me into trouble.  Too much planning made it design dependent!  Some of the best effects can happen by “accident” or at the spur of the moment as the Spirit leads, and really add to the surprise and power of the scene.  Another amazing thing happened when I was trying to mount the window by myself- I dropped it from 7 ft. up and it fell on a brick.  By some miracle all that broke was the upper left corner which repaired easily! As you observe you may notice that it has some Van Gogh-like skies, the water is leaping up and then falling away.  My favorite object is the rock on the left which I call the Rock of Jesus as it has a very “Cornerstone” impression!

The Next piece is actually a painting on thick foam board with 3 dimensional quality as I melted the foam board with the volatile solutions  including spray paint.  This is an experimental work that is the first of its kind and is extremely light weight and requires no framing!  The rest of the painting is done with acrylics and dipicts the earth and universe – note the laser pointed at earth. The title is “Target Earth”.  The Redemptive Cosmos Painting “Target Earth” illustrates a deep red canyon on a large asteroid or heavenly body that is approaching earth. This scar is deep with a flowing red almost blood-like lava and crossing over it is a “laser-like” beacon or ray that is shining onward to earth- specifically on the Arctic Ice cap. Is this a judgement targeting the northern polar cap which will initiate an earthquake, flooding and the Trumpet judgements or maybe the 6th seal? Or is this an asteroid that led to the massive destruction of earth in the past?  This “Judgement Rock” is a reminder that “the Rock”, Jesus Christ, will come back not as a Lamb of God but as both the King of Kings and the Judge of mankind.  This photo of the painting shows the detail of the asteroid surface and the surrounding smaller asteroids!  There is a “lava rock” quality to it! Also look carefully and you will see that South America is pointing up and hence the thin red line points to the edge of the Arctic where we are seeing present day melting.

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