The Jehovah Witness a False Christ

Jehovah Witness Attack on the Deity of Christ
Three Assumptions or Beliefs form the Jehovah Witnesses:
1) Divine guidance comes only through the Watch Tower Society. One Society member even brags that they have a better Revelation of the Bible than the church because they are receiving revelations every day to the point that they add 32 pages to the Bible every week. Any disagreement with the Watch Tower Society is a disagreements with God!
2) Jehovah Witnesses alone have the Truth of God. This in turn leads them to believe that they must be separate from the world. This gives them a deep feeling of superiority, exclusiveness, and uniqueness. They view the whole world system outside of the Society as being Satanic.
3) They hold that Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic and even Jewish Orthodoxy are false and controlled by Satan. They believe that the Jehovah Witnesses belong to no earthly organization but only to the divine heavenly one.

The Society considers Christianity as their biggest enemy and those who counter their religion are to be hated and despised. Their “manual” states: “Haters of God and His people..are to be hated..We must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard in extreme aversion…Oh Jehovah God consume them in wrath, consume them that they shall be no more”. This is not exactly the love the Jesus Christ commanded that we have for our enemies.  Their whole effort is to attack the Trinity and present a False Christ that was created by their Jehovah God.

Tbe JW’s believe that there are 3 classes of individuals: 1) the 144,000 which receive the revelations of God and are responsible for the writings of the Watch Tower. They will enjoy the special privileges of justification and being born again. This justification is not a once-for-all legal declaration of God as the Bible teaches but only a “present” justification that may be forfeited at any time by disobedience. “Born again” to them also has a different meaning: it is to be water baptized and anointed by God so as to be recreated by God as a spirit creature after death- just as God recreated Jesus into Michael the Archangel after his death- (this doctrine may change with new edicts of their Watch tower Society). They do not realize that “born again” means a spirit rebirth in the inner man that God grants which brings with it eternal life. Jn. 3:3-8, 5:24, 6:47, 1 Jn. 1:11-13.
2) The 2nd class includeds Jehovah Witnesses that cannot be born again – “the other sheep”. After death they are recreated to live on earth and are not spirit beings – they are physically recreated to be ruled over by the 144,000.
3) The final class are non- Jehovah witnesses who are “good” people and can earn salvation after death. None of this is Biblical. The bible says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..” Acts 16:31.

To the JW salvation is not by Grace, through faith- instead it is by personal merit and good works. Grace has an entire different meaning to them: grace implies the opportunity for man to work for his own salvation only. Jehovah Witnesses have changed the meaning of verses throughout the Word of God. 1) In one case simply by adding the word “the” they demote the Deity of Christ implying separation of God from Christ: Titus 2:13 “While we wait for the blessed hope-the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ..” Clearly this verse is saying that Jesus Christ is our great God and Savior! This and the following  one verse are often quoted as signatures of our Christian faith!
So here is the JW version: “While we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestations of the great God and of (the) Savior of us, Christ Jesus.” This is a complete mistranslation of the Greek to deny the deity of Jesus. 2) Another one of my favorite verses is Col. 1:17 and again the JW’s have skewed the translation to fit their theology.  The Word says: “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” The Jehovah Witness version says:
“Also, he is before all (other) things and by means of him all (other) things were made to exist”. Again this is a way to change the fact that Christ is eternal and therefore God- a doctrine that they deny. The Watchtower’s own Greek interlinear version shows no “other” in the original Greek. When confronted this is an embarrassment to them.  3) John 8:58 a perfect example of Jesus saying that HE is GOD: “….before Abraham was born, I AM” which was clearly understood by all the Jews that Jesus was claiming to be God! The JW version states: “…before Abraham came into existence, I have been”. This obscures the fact that Jesus was making a direct claim to be GOD. 4) Mat.24:46 states: “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Again the JW translation
obscures the meaning in stating: “Then these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous into everlasting life.” The JW’s deny the biblical teaching on eternal punishment and replace it with their doctrine of the annihilation of the wicked. 5) Acts 20:28 “His own blood” mistranslated to “the blood of His own (Son) 6) Heb. 1:8 “Your throne, O God,”mistranslated to “God is your throne” 7) In Col. 2:9 “deity” changed to “divine quality” and John 1:1 “the Word was God” mistranslated to “the Word was a god”- all to deny the Deity of Jesus Christ!!!

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