The Woman behind the Trump Victory!

Kellyanne Conway was America’s first female campaign manager and she was the one person who steered the rudderless Trump campaign through a very challenging storm.  She deserves a lot of credit for her patience, humility, wisdom, and steady hand.  As a professional pollster she knew where to guide the campaign and how to encourage and promote Trump.  She was especially effective  with the hostile and unfair media.  She in essence became the voice and soul of the Trump campaign that helped win the hearts of many.

She deserves a major role in the new Administration and may be just the person to help ameliorate many of the divisions and fears in the aftermath of this raucous race.   Her faith, her experience as an effective pollster, and her dedication to her family of 4 kids have helped her survive the waves of dissent and confusion.  She knows how to communicate strength and compassion at the same time and is a very good judge of character and purpose.  Trump was smart in allowing her to take over.  That very fact says a lot about him and his relationship with women!   She deflected a lot of heat that was thrown at Trump!

She understands that an “Ideological Revolution” is taking place that may just save America- at least temporarily.   Not sure how we will deal with the hordes of students that want a free education, a free lunch, and free citizenship – but their revolution has been democratically snubbed by the majority.  I believe that Kellyanne understands this and sees  the University system as needing a serious overhaul -just as much as many other segments and levels of society.  She can best appreciate that the students should be content with the fact that a lot of other things are about to change including job opportunities!
More than anyone she can see the need to motivate a biased media in a way that will inspire them to be reporters of facts and not expressions of liberal idealism. For instance last night the talking heads were making fun of Trump and the Republican platform by attacking the credentials of those who were congratulating him!  We have a media that is so narrow minded that they prefer that Trump be unpopular with foreign leaders!!  President Duarte, who leads the Philippines has turned to China for help because of Obama’s policy of enforcing the UN!   Likewise many of the leaders in Africa have been intimidated by Obama’s scorched earth policy against any government that has laws and/or policies limiting homosexuality and abortion!  The media lies to the American public! Duarte is not the monster that they have made him out to be.  He is fighting Abu Sayyaf (Islamic Terrorism) on one side and the rampant drug trade on the other. The media does not share the important fact that he is opening the public schools to Christian studies and the Gospel!  This fact is true of many of the African nations who are turning to God for hope and to the Chinese for aid instead of America!  Kellyanne is aware of this and will draw attention to them!
This is just the beginning of the “revolution” to win back nations and people who have become disenchanted with the Obama social agenda.  The world has watched as Hollywood, the networks, and the press have tried to reprogram the world’s agendas, policies, and mindset.  We have become an anathema to many God fearing people and now it is time to reset the entire State Department, Defense Department, and every other agency that deals with the UN and the world!  We need smart, talented people like Kellyanne to lead this “revolution of ideas” to push back 8 years of anti-Christian policy.

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