Fallen! to Rise Again?

I believe that We are being tested and that soon we will be judged.  We will pay and the world will rejoice!  God has lifted up these two candidates who have “unsavory character” to show the world how far “America” has fallen!   We were given so much and now we have squandered it on pleasure and material pursuit.
Trump is the “choas candidate”, but God often picks someone who will stir things up in order to generate change and the reordering of things.  Trump has upturned the politically correct and the political machines guarding Washington D.C.!  This is what Reagan and Lincoln did in their own way.  And so now God is challenging the church to makes its presence known by taking a stand for Truth and change.  If this does not happen quickly and decisively, God will have to follow through with powers beyond our borders, just as He did with Israel.  “For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory,”  Isa. 3:8.  The Risen Jesus Christ proclaims, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” REV. 2:5.   The Risen Christ is the “Door”  as He created a Way to heaven for us.  Note what He said, ” I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me”.
Many thoughtful people attack Trump on his character and past tweets, yet fail to acknowledge the behavior of Hillary and her family.  At least the Trump family has provided major milestones to both public and private charity and infrastructure- which the media loves to diminish.  They attack Trump’s charity ventures without mentioning that Hillary & Bill used foundation money for Chelsea’s  wedding and other expenses over the last 10 years!  So, yes, Trump has fallen short- but don’t we all?  To attack him is disingenuous and hypocritical.  I know one “Christian” who has been divorced twice who is attacking him on the character issue and is upset because I suggested that she is being hypocritical!? We should look at our own past!   The KEY issues are the policies and the promises put forth for the Administration of their Government:
We need to look at the platform of each candidate and what this means for our nation and our children over the long term.
1) Do you want to increase our population with illegal immigrants and Islamist groups, or do you want to increase the population by stopping the abortion industry? This industry has already terminated 47 million babies!
 2) Do you want more drugs and potential terrorism by having open borders?  This includes criminal elements that love the black market and aid the flow of weapons, drugs, and other goods to your community.  – Or do you want to close the borders so that we can protect our nation from an ever increasing drug problem that feeds crime and overdosing!  
3) Do we want to protect the family unit and our identity as a “Christian nation”? – or do we want to continue down the path that Obama started to by creating an Islamic, globalist nation that follows the laws of the United Nations and not the Laws granted to us by the Constitution?  The Hillary policies will promote the transgender/homosexual agenda to the point that many Christian institutions and business will cease to exist.  One columnist showed that many Christian universities depend on the GI bill to provide students with money.  This will end with policies that tie that money to new employment policies!
4) Do you want Iran and Saudi Arabia as our major allies in the Middle East or do we want Israel and Egypt?   Israel gives us more intelligence and tests our equipment better than any other country- and they have always protected our Western flank in the Middle East.   Israel has also provided us with logistical and air support in very difficult situations.   Egypt upset Obama and Hillary’s plan for overthrowing “dictatorships” and we all know what would have happened if Morsi continued in power!   Their foreign policy destabilized that whole region and led to the overthrow and chaos in Libya- which in turn has created a massive refugee issue.    Also the Obama agenda and directives have helped to antagonize many African “Christian nations” who do not want to adopt homosexuality and nationwide abortion incentives (Obama and Hillary attached American aid to the willingness to change this social climate).
5) Do you want to continue to allow Wall Street and the big banks to control our monetary policy- so that we continue as the world’s biggest debtor nation?  The nations of the world await our great fall – because they not only resent us dictating morality, but also our dictating of monetary policy through our dollar and our debt structure!   We mint billions of dollars every year and expect other countries to “buy our debt” in bonds and derivatives!   Our policy has helped the world become beholden to our whims.   We do suck the resources from other countries and waste them by our excessive and obsessive pursuit of material excess.   We have a huge population that has grown to expect free handouts, free empty calories (junk food which we pawn throughout the world),   free entertainment (here, like in China many people steal property and virtual rights), and cheap thrills and escape (we are the biggest “pleasure drug” users in the world!).  With our perverse perspective we then produce the most “R” and “X” rated entertainment for the world to consume.  Some of this entertainment is pornographic and some is pure horror.  All of this points to a Sodom and Gomorrah of super-Biblical proportions!  Ironically our so called social progressives and environmentalists are some of the biggest abusers of  all of these – including the drugs!  Then we have the gall to insult the poor nations around the world by attacking the core of their identity – the family and their faith in a God of the Bible!  
 Amen and Amen!  Maranatha!

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