7th Day Adventist & Deception

7th Day Adventist Deception:  an Urgent Message:

In the new Covenant Jesus listed the commandments that we are to follow and keeping the Sabbath was not one of them. It is clear that keeping the Sabbath is not required nor commanded by the Lord.  Col.2:14, states that  Jesus “nailed the Old Mosaic law to the cross” and that He fulfilled the law. We are no longer under its curse.  Yet, we have a “denomination” that declares that Keeping  the Sabbath is required for Salvation. This “denomination” has kept under the radar by presenting itself as a mainline church with an emphasis on living a healthy life with spiritual and physical guidelines. So far it has worked. And the smokescreen continues.
Three weeks ago I received a brochure in my mailbox entitled : “America & Bible Prophecy” a conference to be given at your neighborhood “Richardson Church”. Angie and I drove over there and were surprised to discover that this was a 7th Day Adventist church. They had succeeded in fooling us into believing that this was a new non-denominational church in our neighborhood. As I listened to their first lecture, I noticed that they rarely quoted scripture and jumped from Daniel to current events without using good exegesis.    In the process they generated a healthy dose of fear. This conference was supposed to be 6 sessions long, but has grown into more sessions during which time they have conveyed more and more strange Eschatology. Here are some points to note about what they teach, and some of the history of this “cult”:
1) Miller, a Baptist preacher, had predicted that the Lord would return in 1844 (based on the book of Daniel) and many of his 10,000 followers had given away their possessions. In came Ellen G. White to save the day with over 100 visions that declared that Jesus Christ stepped off the throne of God and out of Heaven and into the Holy of Holies and is waiting and Judging!   Apparently Jesus is no longer our Advocate at God’s right hand!  This is how she established the Seventh Day Adventist church. They believe that “through baptism one is truly born again in Jesus” and they do not believe in the Assurance of Salvation. Because Jesus is in the process of Redeeming, no one is really saved until the end – and only if their works are worthy! Note – Paul wrote concerning deceit, mystical experiences, & Gnosticism:
Col. 2:8, 16 “Beware least anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths”.                 Also read Gal. 4:9-10!
2) At these sessions they are teaching that Jesus is waiting for the true church (SDA) to be Redeemed  and for the “beast” of the Catholic church to make it’s move. Anyone who is caught attending church on Sunday, as the Catholics are, will be condemned as having the seal of the beast.  Hence anyone not following the Sabbath day (a very Holy Day to them) will be condemned at the 2nd Coming! There is no rapture nor Millennium kingdom.
3) They are teaching that there is also no Hell. They believe in “Annihilation” and that Satan will not be cast into eternal Hell but will be burned into ashes to never exist again. “Fire from heaven will fall upon the wicked and the fire will completely eradicate sin and sinners from the universe forever.”-No lake of fire.
4) According to what I had read elsewhere, they believe in a  “Deity” of Jesus Christ that is not same “Deity” in which we believe. Their brochure says “Jesus causes us to mature in Christ.” There is no mention of the Holy Spirit, hence the Trinity  (but on their website they do claim a “trinity” and believing in a “holy spirit”). There is no mention of the sealing of the Holy Spirit, but they do believe in an “assurance of salvation” based on works (which is not true Assurance!). The point is they play a game of semantics using “decoy” statements that they later contradict!  They believe that everyone has a Guardian Angel and that “Michael” is another Name given to Jesus.  They teach that Lucifer was jealous of Jesus and thus rebelled.  Jesus then moved up to become God’s Son.                                                                                                                                      Paul addresses this heresy:
Col. 2:18 “Let no one cheat of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his (or her) fleshy mind and not holding fast to the Head (Jesus Christ), from whom all the body, nourished and….grows with the increase that is from God.”
5) Their emphasis on works is very apparent in all their dogma and works-based Salvation. Hence they are also practicing an acute form of Legalism that “puffs up” the mind.  To them Redemption is a process & only ends when Jesus returns.
6) As one attends these meetings they keep a close “eye” on you by having you fill out forms that ask if you agree with what is said.  They then call you up to monitor your “understanding” and “growth”. This and the promise of exclusivity & special knowledge succeeds in drawing many into a web of deceit & control.
7) They continue to add new sessions as I write this.  Last week they taught on the “Mark of the Beast”.  This mark is given to all who attend church on Sundays!  In the last session they taught:  that each day you are required to “repent”, “fervently study the Bible”, and “show yourself approved”= WORK & no real assurance of salvation.  Here is a quote from their own website on Salvation: “In infinite love and mercy God made Christ“.   God did not make Jesus Christ!  He made the Angels.  They lower Jesus Christ to just another being made by God.

8)  It can be very difficult to leave this group.  Any non-SDA member is called “worldly” because they truly believe that anyone who does not attend church on the Sabbath will be condemned as being part of the “beast’s” world by Jesus at the 2nd Coming!  They are careful to discuss these matters in the later sessions and among themselves.   The website “LeavingSDA.com” states, “large portions of the church culture are controlling, oppressive, insular and very hard to leave”.

I believe that this recent “push” and outreach by the SDA is not only to increase their membership, but also to create a climate for what they perceive as a new awakening and a new leadership, ie. Ben Carson. I was at the verge of donating to Ben Carson’s campaign as I was struck in a very positive way by his testimony. After attending that 1st meeting, I decided to write his Campaign a letter asking for an explanation concerning the doctrines and dogma of the SDA. I have not received a reply and have decided not to support his campaign.

 I am also doing a year long study on the Letters of Paul and just happened to be studying Col. 2: 16-19 where Paul addresses the heresies of Legalism, Gnosticism, and Asceticism.  I realized that the SDA is guilty of promoting all three of these heresies that Paul warned believers to stay away from!  The Sabbath worship is blatant legalism (and I believe a form of idolatry), the visions (of Ellen White) and worship of angels are “special knowledge”, and the vegetarian diets, and eating habits that they heavily promote are part of an ascetic lifestyle.  Jesus Christ, “has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love…He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers” Col. 1:13, 15-16.  Jesus called himself “The Lord of the Sabbath” for a reason!  He fulfilled the Law and thus fulfilled the Sabbath.  He is now our Sabbath peace!  We do not need to follow the Sabbath law because we can celebrate Jesus Christ every day!  We are saved by believing in His Name:  “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. . . . These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” (, 13).  Jesus warned:     “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Mar.13:6.  

 Whereas Paul, emphasizes the work of and fruit of the Holy Spirit, the SDA emphasizes the work necessary for Salvation that one must achieve.  They do not mention nor suggest that a believer is “sealed  with the Holy Spirit”.  They use the term, “Sealed by God” and give it a new meaning. They in essence are creating their own Salvation even though they use the words, “trinity”, “holy spirit” and “jesus”.  None of these pertain to the real Truth- they are all recreations of the SDA.  They also demand that a follower “swear allegiance” to the SDA.
Also note that : One cannot really hold the “Sabbath”  to be HOLY in its purist sense, because we are under a different calendar than the time of the Mosaic law.  We do not have an accurate date for the Sabbath (the Hebrew calendar is totally different that the Gregorian)- so our Saturday may not be same as the Saturday instituted on Mt. Sinai!  Jesus places NO value in any particular Day except the “Day of the Lord” which will be days of Judgement and His return.  Also it is important to note from Col. 3:1-2 that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father (not standing in the Holy of Holies)!  And [GOD]  hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”  Eph. 2:6-7 .              We are “with Jesus” and “in Jesus” receivingthe exceeding riches of his grace“.
When Jesus died on the cross he said, “It is finished“.   Redemption has been accomplished-  and He is NOT “in the process of redeeming” his special church nor judging the world! This is  very important because these lies pervert the meaning of Grace (the Gift that is freely given), and is contrary to the very essence of Salvation:  “It is by grace that we have been saved, NOT BY WORKS, it is a gift of God so that no one can boast!” Eph.7:8-9.  Note that, if you get into the inner circles of the SDA they boast about their position of special salvation and good works….as Paul says “they are puffed up about their Sabbath worship and works!” Col.2:16-17.

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